Which bino harness is the most comfortable?

I've had Outdoor Vision, Marsupial, Kuiu and Kifarus. Can't tell that I ever noticed one harness being more comfortable than the other. The thinner harnesses have less chance of creating hotspots under a pack but I can't say that I've ever had a problem with either. I would make my decision based on the features of the bucket itself, not the harness.
Sounds like some need to ditch those android phones and get an iPhone. I’ve never experienced magnet related issues. And it’s not very hard to hold your phone a little farther away, just to make sure.
Sounds like some need to ditch those android phones and get an iPhone. I’ve never experienced magnet related issues. And it’s not very hard to hold your phone a little farther away, just to make sure.
I have an iPhone and was surprised that it messed with the navigation, but just like you said not hard to hold it farther away plus with my aging eyes it's easier to read when its farther away!
I ran an Fhf for years and was very happy with it. this year I went to replace it and I was torn between the Fhf fob, marsupial and SG sentinel. I ended up going with the sentinel because there’s no magnets, it would have been my luck that they messed with my electronics. I’ve been very happy with the sg, it’s way more comfortable than my Fhf was, which I didn’t realize was “uncomfortable” until changing. 🤣
Agc sells a lightweight harness that I thought was very comfortable. My eberlestock recon is also very light and comfortable.
I have had marsupial for years and like it alot. I got the new stone glacier one for Christmas but have just tried it on. I like the size of it over the marsupial. Kuiu just released a new harness a couple days ago and I got it today, I really like it and I think it is going to be the one I roll with.
It seems to fit better over my NL's with the forehead rest than my SG.
Marsupial Gear enclosed are my go to. They offer several other attachments. Very comfortable and quality is top notch.
I have had marsupial for years and like it alot. I got the new stone glacier one for Christmas but have just tried it on. I like the size of it over the marsupial. Kuiu just released a new harness a couple days ago and I got it today, I really like it and I think it is going to be the one I roll with.
It seems to fit better over my NL's with the forehead rest than my SG.
Is the new front pocket useable? I tried the previous generation for a day or so and sent I back due to the front pocket not opening and a big glue or something stain on the fabric

I’m down to buying either a marsupial or the new kuiu this year
I got the Kuiu one the other day, the front pocket is usable, but it's tight. My release will fit in it no problem though (stan prefex long neck with larger than stock brass barrel). I put my release in to test to see if having it in there, being that tight would make the binos harder to get in and out and it did not. I was wondering if it being tight might cause my release to press inward on my binos, but it did not.
The new phone holder is huge, larger than theirs prior. The fabric on the front pocket is not as stretchy as the marsupial, it has more space in the front pocket for sure.
Thanks. All I’ve really ever kept in the front pocket is some mouth calls. I may give the new kuiu a chance.
Got a badlands bino mag harness. Much more comfortable than the Leupold harness that came with the binos. Got them on Amazon when they had the deal.
I personally think the SG harness is the most comfortable. I've not tried the Sentinel, but the OG model is awesome with a pack on. the straps are very thin and low profiled so you don't get the strap digging into your neck as much. Unlike the Marsupial or Kuiu harness that I've tried.
Has anyone run the Gen3 Kuiu harness or the pro pack all in one deal? I have been running the older version Kuiu for years but the lid is blown out and get all sorts of crap inside. Between this and marsupial