Where to go

Jul 29, 2022
Ok so my dad and I with some of our friends are planning a OTC drop camp hunt for the 2023 season and I’m looking for good places to go that some of y’all have been to or recommend. I’ve been told about some places on other sites and some people told me some places to stay clear of. Just trying to get some info some folks that may spend more time doing the same thing. I greatly appreciate you all in advance.
Sep 24, 2019
Are you from a Western state? If not, research which states have OTC elk hunts for non-residents. Then talk to some outfitters that offer drop camps in otc units. That will give you a good idea of where you should go. Hope this helps!
Jul 29, 2022
Y’all can roast me all you want. Just asking for some help. Not asking for coordinate locations to your camp. Didn’t know that would be such a big deal to some people. I guess some of us fellow hunters are more so like the government, say we are here to help others out but really just out to make them think we are and only here for ourselves.
Jul 29, 2022
Thank you all for the help. Y’all must be Biden supporters. I guess the part that I said I’m not looking for your spots or anything was hard to understand. If it helps I can put it on paper in crayon so you may can understand that easier. I guess those who are acting like kids about it must have never asked for advice from anyone who has done an out of state hunt or even been on a hunt in a place they don’t hunt.
Jan 15, 2022
Just asking for some help. Not asking for coordinate locations to your camp. Didn’t know that would be such a big deal to some people.

As was mentioned by someone else, best advice for you would be to discover which states offer OTC elk hunts and then contact the game departments that are there, and then start contacting outfitters based on the information you received from the game departments. That's your absolute best course of action, bar none.


Apr 12, 2020
One of the things you’ll find is that guys tend to be very protective of their hard earned spots. The fact that you are looking for OTC will limit your choices to only a few spots. Your best bet is to find those spots, call biologists and game wardens in those areas and ask specific questions.

When people ask general questions, the assumption is they have not done their homework and they are looking for easy answers like someone’s best spot. Even if this is not true of you, a lot of guys have been burned by others who are hoping to short cut the process.

If you guys are new to western big game hunting, or new to back country in the western states, going with an outfitter might be the best way. You can learn a lot by hunting with an outfitter for a week. If you really want to go on your own, there are threads on this forum to help you get started. You can find everything from gear lists to tips for new elk hunters.

Once you have done a little bit of research, asking questions about elk behavior and hunting tactics will be far better received. I would recommend listening to some podcasts. Elk talk is a good one as is live wild with Remi Warren. Corey Jacobson’s Elk 101 is another great source of information. Those might be some good starting point. Good luck!


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
Your done here. Try another forum and spend some time there getting the lay of the land before stepping in the gut pile. Or, maybe re-register here under a new name and spend a few months learning what raises members hackles before engaging. You sure hit the tender spots on this try, but still got some good advice. Most of the folks here have spent countless hours researching what you asked to be handed. It happens a lot and never goes over well.

PS: This is good friendly advice, don't squander it. There are a lot of good folks here that can help you.
Jul 29, 2022
Like I said already, I’m not asked to have it all handed to me or spoon fed. I simply asked for a little help but that seems to be to hard for some. But hey I guess asking for a little help from some is more like asking for their spots. I totally understand how people are about their hunting and the work they put into it. I am the same way to a point. I’ve taken many people on hunting trips where I have killed or seen very good deer and I’ve helped them get on some good ones also. I’ve pointed them in the direction to go but not the actual spot. Like I said, I’m not looking for your spot just was looking for some advice. But I get that is to much to ask now days.
Jan 15, 2022
Like I said already, I’m not asked to have it all handed to me or spoon fed. I simply asked for a little help but that seems to be to hard for some. But hey I guess asking for a little help from some is more like asking for their spots. I totally understand how people are about their hunting and the work they put into it. I am the same way to a point. I’ve taken many people on hunting trips where I have killed or seen very good deer and I’ve helped them get on some good ones also. I’ve pointed them in the direction to go but not the actual spot. Like I said, I’m not looking for your spot just was looking for some advice. But I get that is to much to ask now days.

You did receive some solid, exceptional advice in this thread. Just saying .....


Mar 16, 2016
Here ill give you general advice that is at the level of detail your question was.

You need to hunt the western half of the united states sometime between september 1st and November 31st.

I would stay clear of California

Your elevation range will between 5000ft and 12,000ft

you may hike a quarter mile to find an elk or 10 miles

you can use a bow or rifle depending on the season.

hope that narrows down your questions

Now for the honest advise...

How about you try rephrasing you question and give us an idea of the research you have already done. the states you have looked at hunting, the seasons you are interested in, how many days you have to devote to the hunt, how you want to hunt.... it will get you alot farther


Feb 21, 2016
Texas & Alaska
Like I said already, I’m not asked to have it all handed to me or spoon fed. I simply asked for a little help but that seems to be to hard for some. But hey I guess asking for a little help from some is more like asking for their spots. I totally understand how people are about their hunting and the work they put into it. I am the same way to a point. I’ve taken many people on hunting trips where I have killed or seen very good deer and I’ve helped them get on some good ones also. I’ve pointed them in the direction to go but not the actual spot. Like I said, I’m not looking for your spot just was looking for some advice. But I get that is to much to ask now days.

Bro… take your lumps and move on. I’ve been there. I asked something stupid once and got roasted. I deserved it.

You literally asked where to go….

Remember, you’re the new guy here.

You got some decent advice in posts above.

Now here is my advice: use an outfitter or drop camp for your first time.

Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Jun 15, 2017
Thank you all for the help. Y’all must be Biden supporters. I guess the part that I said I’m not looking for your spots or anything was hard to understand. If it helps I can put it on paper in crayon so you may can understand that easier. I guess those who are acting like kids about it must have never asked for advice from anyone who has done an out of state hunt or even been on a hunt in a place they don’t hunt.
Biden supporter here. I would try western Colorado. Lots of OTC units around and no shortage of folks that could take you in to good hunting spots. If you wanted specifics you could message me, but the bottom line is that if you found a mountain range you wanted to hunt and looked for drop camp outfitters, you would find a good hunt for you and your pa. And if you were OTC in Colorado, you definitely wouldn't be in any ONE person's special spot.