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Now you've done it. Everyone is gonna be in my spot!

Ok guys, I’ve got in touch with a few different outfitters and talked to some other people that have gone out to either CO or NM. Now I’ve just got to decide which way to go from here. I have received some good input and I thank you for that. Also I have received some flak and well, that was a given since I am a newbie to the form. But by all means folks, I will do my part to help out or give input. So with that being said, prepare yourself for some idiot things and stories to be posted and sadly some may be making fun of myself. Some days I leave my thinking cap at the house and just don’t want to adult those days. Again, thank you all.
Good luck, it’s an exciting adventure. I wish I could have had even one elk hunt with my old man, but by the time I jumped into the pool his health had deteriorated too far.

I do want to hear how this hunt goes. Making mistakes is how you learn. Embrace the process.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.“

Chief Seattle
That deer looks a little asymetrical, I'm looking for a more balanced rack. Could you please revise this drawing to show me where those are??

OP - I concur with the guys who wish they had a few more hunts with their dad under their belt. I commend you for wanting to spend that precious time doing something so rewarding as a back country hunt with him. I would also reiterate the idea of an outfitted or drop camp hunt, so you can concentrate on the positive side of the experience, and less on the suffer-fest that a backcountry hunt can become. Call some outfitters, describe your dad's physical capabilities, and your goals for the hunt (ie - any elk, bull only, big bull only) and adjust your budget accordingly. A DIY hunt is a big undertaking, with a spot researched, and even more so flying blind.
Just walk into any small town bar in Wyoming and ask them for recommendations on where to get on some elk. The local populous will definitely not slash your tires and may even drive you out into the woods alone to show you their best spots!
@Augie i tried that once, they was very polite and said let’s walk outside to talk about it so others don’t hear us. They didn’t realize I wasn’t scared to go back to prison. I may be shorter than most but I’m very skilled in “BCKYA” and if you have never heard of that it is Back Country Kick Your A$$. Sadly they didn’t tel me where they hunted still yet.
Yall missed

Hey Bowtech, you forgot to mention what are you going after..LOL. Before you get roasted on this forum I would suggest using the search bar for drop camps recommendations.
He is only grouse hunting. Maybe a pine squirrel or a bear if the opp arises.
@Augie i tried that once, they was very polite and said let’s walk outside to talk about it so others don’t hear us. They didn’t realize I wasn’t scared to go back to prison. I may be shorter than most but I’m very skilled in “BCKYA” and if you have never heard of that it is Back Country Kick Your A$$. Sadly they didn’t tel me where they hunted still yet.
i hope you are a BJJ expert too. Now you really wont get much intel out of this place. Unless you whip ass of the toughest guy in here.
@Augie i tried that once, they was very polite and said let’s walk outside to talk about it so others don’t hear us. They didn’t realize I wasn’t scared to go back to prison. I may be shorter than most but I’m very skilled in “BCKYA” and if you have never heard of that it is Back Country Kick Your A$$. Sadly they didn’t tel me where they hunted still yet.
Sadly I find that people who talk the most about kicking a$$, seldomly have ever kicked any a$$. Short and a big mouth...I'm sure they would love you in prison, hope you got deep cheeks. lol
The best elk drop camp the first week can be a camping trip by the third week of the season. And unless you are on private land, the drop camp may be in a basin shared by the notorious Amish guys, or worse, a BRO platoon, crawling over the hills like bugling ants.

Pick a state, research some stats from the website, maybe call a few outfitters (and former clients, successful and not) load up the old meatwagon and come West and hunt. DIY can be a good experience too, and at least you won't be locked into one place for a week. Then come back on here and maybe ask some specifics without insulting hunters who've spend decades trying to figure out the answers to the questions you're asking.
notorious amish guys. You must be in Colorado

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@Augie i can personally say that my body has never been penetrated by the male organ nor anything to resemble one.
@Augie i can personally say that my body has never been penetrated by the male organ nor anything to resemble one.
Depending on your definition of "organ" - it is likely just a matter of time. This reminds me of my last urologist visit:
  • Doc: "Do you mind if I examine your prostate?" as he puts on gloves
  • Me: "Yes, I do mind. But I think you need to do it anyway. Maybe you should figure out a better way to phrase that question. Or is that an inside joke among urologists?"
  • Doc (during the exam): "So are you fully recovered from your TBI?"
  • Me (voice straining and pitch varying): "As far as I know. There is a chance I was funnier and better looking before, but maybe I just don't remember."
  • Doc: "Well, you seem pretty funny, and there is nothing wrong with your looks to me."
  • Me: "There is probably a better time to have this conversation."