Where does the dog go in your truck?

Depends on which truck Im driving at the time. Work truck Tundra extended cab my dog is in the back seat if someone is occupying the passenger seat, if not then she takes here pick and moves whenever she want to. In my family truck crew cab F150 she rides in a crate in the back seat area with the seats up just to try to keep the truck clean. In my Jeep shes in the back on a dog bed or in the passenger seat.
Nestled in my left arm. :) She's 15yo and usually the smallest dog around wherever we go. A true Joy thru and thru, and usually brings out the best part of peoples nature whereever we go. Total night and day difference between the reception you get solo vs with her.

I tell any single young dude I can grab the ear of... if (God forbid) I was single and had to do it all over again? Dude.. I'd sooooo totally get another one in a heartbeat!

Women... 5 to 95+.... all have about the same reaction. High-pitched "Awwww!" followed by their outstretched arms almost involuntarily shooting out sorta like Frankenstein.

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My beagle hound rides in the passenger seat. He has never changed the radio station or the A/C on me and has also never given me crappy directions at the last second that nearly caused a wreck.

I'll put the wife in the bed before the dog.

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Funny you say that.....

My 7 month old griffon rides in the middle of the front seat of my work truck with me around town. When he was a little puppy I would keep my arm around him to keep him from climbing into my lap and pet him when he stayed sitting in the middle for positive reinforcement. So he sits in the middle and I keep my arm around him. But when he gets a little tired of sitting he lays day across the middle and passenger seats. And his legs are long enough that he will sometimes brace himself on the lower dash. Which usually has the effect of screwing with the climate control. 😆

In my crv, short rides he's started riding in the backseat with one of those hammock things. Which I have taught enough to stop him from going into the seat if he goes forward into it when I brake but it's not suspended above the seat like you see pictures and he can sit on the seat if he wants. I have a plastic crate that came home with him from the breeder that he would ride in for trips on the highway in both vehicles but he's too big for it now. It also would serve as his travel kennel when we stayed over nights away from home. I have a new Dakota that should be getting here next week that will take its place.
Just got a new Lucky Duck kennel to strap into the bed of my truck. 5 star crash rating. Safer for the dog and better for me when she is filthy after a day of hunting. Getting another pup next year and will likely buy a second one for the same reason and leave them in my truck bed tied down. My Ruff Land kennels are a lot lighter and fit into my back seat. Great for carrying in and out of motels and for the dog riding in the back seat when it is really hot or freezing cold. I have several kennels that I have accumulated over the years and use them a lot. Big believer in using kennels.

So is the lucky duck too heavy to take in and out of hotels? I have a Dakota coming and was planning on it being my away from home crate for him.
So is the lucky duck too heavy to take in and out of hotels? I have a Dakota coming and was planning on it being my away from home crate for him.
I was messing with one this weekend at scheels and I don’t think so. It’s not light but not bad either. I would probably snort some mountain ops pre work out and run steps in hotel while carrying it. Two birds one stone keep hammering and protecting the dog.😄
They always rode in my truck or suv sitting on the floor in the second row or back seat with their head between the front bucket seats. Usually slobbering on the towel I had laying on the console. Occasionally I would put them in the very back of the suv.
He hated that. He figured he needed to be up front in case I needed them for some reason. I had seat covers in the rear seat that covered the seat and the floor. I never was comfortable letting then ride in the back as people are constantly trying to interact at stop lights and such. They were all friendly and always wanting to get to know anyone that would pay the littlest attention to them.
So is the lucky duck too heavy to take in and out of hotels? I have a Dakota coming and was planning on it being my away from home crate for him.
Its not too heavy to move its just heavier than my Ruffland. It comes with nice handles too.
On the seat (covered) or on the floor with the seats up.

Mostly on the floor.

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We lived in an isolated canyon as a kid. 2 mile winding dirt rode to get down the mountain to my home on the river.

Our Keeshond/shepherd mix rode on the hood of our Willys jeep. That way he could jump off in mid-ride to kill a ground squirrel or run a deer. The most athletic dog we ever had. Dad would sometimes try and shake him off the jeep, but he would dig in his claws and scratch the hell out of hood. He could climb into the back of our big dump truck but "running" up the 9' side.

For years our dogs ran loose in the back of the pickup, but after Dad lost one over the side they rode in back tethered near the cab. That's what I have always done since.
I have a ram 2500 and a wife, kid and 2 70 pound German Shepherds. I just bought 2 Gunner Kennels for them to go in the back of the truck. They used to ride in the cab but with a newborn and the wife it’s just easier to put them in the kennels and if an accident does happen they will be secure.
I rolled up on an elderly woman who got in an accident and she had her dog on her lap. Needless to say she probably had to throw out her whole outfit because of the dog. Also you never know how your pup is going to react in an accident. Would hate for someone’s pup to bolt or worse run into traffic.