OP, ignore these guys bagging on you.
Man, some of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. They just looking for a lead to kill a bear, not where you elk hunt.
You folks should be happy that a group wants to come out and help with your predator problems. Idaho does have a predator predicament, does it not? Maybe they’ll have a wolf tag. Units are pretty big places.
These folks want to learn, and coming from back east or south, the whole west is daunting, let alone the state of Idaho.
I haven’t been on rokslide that long, but it’s getting pretty clear that a lot of you so called “sportsmen” are just as catty, nasty, sarcastic and condescending as a bunch of mean girls. They didn’t ask for a peak, a specific drainage, creek or anything else like that. It’s getting to be pretty easy to see why lots of folks don’t like hunters. Hell even loggers are more polite than some in this bunch.
Some of you guys responded in the appropriate manner, and good on you for that!