Idaho guided bear hunts?


Oct 6, 2024
I’ve went through some old posts in this topic and have a few outfitters I’ve already checked out. Me and a few buddies are looking to do a spring bear hunt preferably in Idaho. A few things we’re looking for:

- not interested in hound hunting
- prefer spot and stalk with the option to hunt bait sites
- would like to do some back country style hunting, potentially using horses etc
- not a requirement but the option of it being in a 2 bear zone would be a positive
- color phase bears would be preferred

Anyone have recommendations of guys they’ve used in the past and had a great experience?

In reality we want a fun adventure while hunting.
Bighorn Outfitters in salmon idaho does everything you want. Great outfit as well. Dave Melton 208 940 0577,
Dan Everson, Cayuse Outfitting. My buddy and I hunted with Dan in 2019 and had a great time. Hit all of these points:
- spot and stalk with the option to hunt bait sites
- back country style hunting using horses
- 2 bear zone
- good opportunity for a color phase bear. We took 3, 2 were color phase