For what species and what seasons?
Live2hunt custom shelters
Live2hunt custom shelters
Everytime if I just bought a nice one Haha. Seriously though like I was talking to you about I have trouble glassing for long one eyed so I'm running 15x56 instead but I completely realize that means I can't check the shadows as good or score an animal from as far (but I'm not a trophy guy at this time) so I'm leaving a bit on the table. But as long as the freezer stays full I'm happy for now. When my motivations change and budget allows I'm sure a nice spotter will find its way into my gear pile. Whether that ends up being a 15-30 compact, 15-45, 20-60 and what objective is all TBD for now.
I try to bring a spotter with me most of the time. Since 2012 the only spotter I had was my 85mm 4+ pound Zeiss Diascope. Its a pain to carry at times and sometimes I question bringing it but generally glad to have it.
However now that I have the new 55mm spotter from Kowa and comparing it heads up to my 85mm Zeiss....for most hunts that weight is a factor the Zeiss is getting left behind especially if its not needed to determine the legality of the animal. Deer, bear, caribou, and mountain goats would all qualify for that. I do like having the big/little spotter options now for sure, now that I have found a little spotter than is actually worth hauling around.
Been awhile since you did an optic write up, think it's about time now that you have the 55mm Kowa
Awesome can't wait to read the comparisonsRyan already guilted me into it after he found out I bought forth coming....along with 3-4 more I am behind on.
Ryan already guilted me into it after he found out I bought forth coming....along with 3-4 more I am behind on.