What’s you’re draw weight vs Age

47 and 73, no struggles with it as I lift and run 6 days a week I have a 30.5 inch draw and can fling arrows with some reasonable umph. If I have to step back in weight as I age I’m going to still have a long draw to make up performance short comings. It’s the one benefit of long monkey arms
Same setup for indoor league and a few 3d shoots per year. I tease my buddies that shoot "bowhunter" class with target bows @ 50# and fat shafts. I shoot "bowhunter" class with my bowhunting set up- a couple of my axis arrows still have a little blood around the vanes!
Have had Rotator cuff surgery, in which they also did a sub-acrimonial decompression, which created a LOT of looseness in that shoulder.
39/61# I'm a new archer though and have only shot the bow 4 times. Going to stay where it's at for at least a couple months while I work on my form and then I'll bump it up a bit.

ok, 55/63

Comfortable to pull back when cold and stiff and from different positions. I was surprised how much dropping just two pounds draw weight affected my comfort level drawing the bow. Many seem to think in increments of 5.