What’s you’re draw weight vs Age

I guess I'm a weakling that doesn't like to pull 70.

34/65 - Hunting Bow
34/60 - 3D and backup bow
I shot 72# in my younger years and then graduated to 67# and now 65#, shooting a 3D course at north of 65# starts making me struggle a bit towards the end.
56 and pulling 60. I just treestand hunt deer or may waterhole hunt a bear this year. Also working on a long bow at 52 pounds.

If I sit in a treestand for 5 hours and its 25 degrees out, 60 is all I want lol.
That’s a great point. I’d imagine pulling 70lbs in a saddle or Treestand is likely more challenging than from the ground, strictly from a strength perspective.

Hoyt Axius alpha,range mule...daily driver is 63#

PSE EVO NXT 33,3D bow is 68#.

Bear Divergent EKO hunting bow is also 68#.

New to compound,been a trad shooter for over 50 years. My newest recurve,put together a month or so ago... is 47#. Most of my trad bows stay in the 40's.
When I was mid 30s I had a 86# Black Max 2 that I hunted with for 3 or so years. Shot a couple elk and a few deer with it...

Almost 20 years later my left shoulder trap is considerably larger than the right side. My bathroom mirror reminds me daily of that bow + my pretentious and prideful tendencies.

Currently at 54/70#.

Shot 70# last season but I may need to drop down to 60#.
I have a previous shoulder issue that’s been giving me a lot of pain for the past few months.
I have skin graphs over my shoulder from burns I sustained in an accident so I have limited shoulder mobility and end up with bad form when trying to draw because of the non elastic skin graphs.