What’s Your Someday

Nov 3, 2017
Best thing that happened in my life(besides my family) was my mom teaching me the common sense Dave Ramsey principles at a young age. Preaching to my wife and I to stay outa dept. and by doing that we have been able to start going on our someday hunts a lot sooner. My wife and I started really going on our someday hunts a several years ago at a younger age then a lot of people can and already have the next 4 years booked.

AMEN! my wife drug me to a class 4 years ago. I was dragging my feet because I thought it meant I wouldn't get to enjoy AK anymore. Exact opposite - I now get to see why and problem solved how I can do what I once thought were once in a life time trips sometimes twice a year. And if we stay focused we will be able to do WHATEVER trips we want in about 15 years. Debt is the root of stress and the thief of joy and I highly recommended everyone jumping on the Ramsey principles wagon and your "someday dreams" will be a reality way sooner than you ever imagined. I can't imagine if I would have started at age 18 instead of 28.

Back on topic and as for my someday - I don't have any inclination to participate in a guided hunt. So I am working on someday finishing all of the North American 29 that are possible to do DIY. And complete my DIY super 10 within the next few years. After that it will just be staying in shape to hunt with my kid(s) someday.
Sep 23, 2018
Santa Rosa, CA
My someday is escaping the hellhole known as California and moving to Idaho or Montana. Making good money here is the only thing holding me back but I plan on banking as much as possible over the next few years to where I can buy a house outright in another state and wave good bye to CA.
Dec 22, 2018
Dave Ramsey is great...I never had any money saved before a friend gave me his program, now I do...
....my personal hunting "someday" is to harvest a trophy-quality animal of each species on the Kenai Peninsula, where I live and was born and raised....(moose, caribou, brown and black bear, Dall sheep, mountain goat, wolf, and if possible, blacktail deer)....got a couple nice ones so far, it will be a long haul getting them all....


Oct 28, 2014
Is Dave still hawking the over priced underperforming managed mutual funds?


Nov 30, 2018
I don't believe in somedays.

Why put something off? Believing that someday is a better day in the future will keep you from doing what you want to do when you want to do it.

I've seen way too many people talk about a dream hunt...or a dream home...or someday I will achieve something.
Instead of a someday make it a goal...focus like a laser beam and achieve that goal.

Want to move to Alaska? Spend every moment available researching applying for jobs, convincing spouse, looking for homes, selling personal property etc until you can make it work...

Want to hunt stone sheep? cant afford the 50K? Well immediately stop spending money on food, vehicles, clothes, cut back on buying anything not needed to survive. Save every penny you have and you can go on that hunt in a couple years.

Want to spend a month hiking and backpacking Europe? Quit your job and go.

It really is just what your priorities are...are you willing to get uncomfortable in order to grow?

We are not on this planet long enough to have somedays...set goals and achieve them.

OP-not ment to be negative just trying to start a fire under peoples butts!! Great post and topic!
I DIG IT!!! In my mind Somedays are my Goals. I’m working towards that day. The hell with it LETS GO HUNTING!!!!
Dec 22, 2018
Is Dave still hawking the over priced underperforming managed mutual funds?
Not sure...never went quite that far down the bunny hole...just listened to the CDs about the "baby steps"....put money into savings for an emergency fund, pay down debt, etc. etc.....pretty sound advice I thought.


Oct 28, 2014
I admire people that are good at what they do Dave is an excellent salesmen.
Feb 17, 2017
I admire people that are good at what they do Dave is an excellent salesmen.

He is an excellent salesperson. I have a huge problem with Dave and the "process" that he sells.

Of his 7 baby steps I think that 2 maybe 3 are not horrible ideas. The biggest issue I have is that he uses a very broad brush when he pushes the program...not everyone is in the same situation.

The bad:
First off paying off your house early is a horrible idea...when you can leverage your mortgage interest of 3-4% plus being able to write off the interest you are making a bad financial decision. Instead of putting another 1000 towards your home you should be investing that money. If you cant find an investment that returns more than 4% over a 30 year period you are not looking very hard.

Here is an example: paying 100 extra towards 3.25% mortgage a month for thirty years will save you about $28k in interest. Putting 100/month into "the market" returning 8.9% over that same period would net you 155K in earnings. So you are "paying" over 127K to be able to say you paid your house off...

Paying off all debt early may not make sense either. If you can borrow money at a lower rate than your investments/business ROI will earn then that is just a silly idea (see mortgage rant) If you are really freaked out about debt you will always have the ability and the money set aside to pay that debt down.

He also says do not use credit cards. This is just silly. If you can get 1-5% kickback on charges on the card that is a no brainer. You just need to use the card when you have the money to pay it off every month. Have a little self control and you will be fine.

College funding for kids. Um no. My parents didn't pay for mine and I am not paying for my kids either. We have funds set up to cover a year each but that is all. They need to have skin in the game or they will not perform up to their abilities.

6 months of expenses in a savings account. Oh man...that is a lot of money to keep in a 0% return account. How about that ROTH where you can pull the contributions out without penalty? Yes please.

The good:
-setting up an emergency fund is a great idea.
-Investing 15% of your income is mandatory. Just consider it a "retirement tax" and do not spend that money.

Sorry for the long rant but I am just sick and tired of people looking for quick fixes to the problems they have brought onto themselves. And following some plan like a sheep because they are scared of debt...
Being able to leverage debt is one of the greatest tricks that a business can use to grow. Why not treat your household as a small business...it just boils down to self control.

Have some self control and you will be much better off than following some dude that has filed bankruptcy in the past...


Oct 28, 2014
He is an excellent salesperson. I have a huge problem with Dave and the "process" that he sells.

Of his 7 baby steps I think that 2 maybe 3 are not horrible ideas. The biggest issue I have is that he uses a very broad brush when he pushes the program...not everyone is in the same situation.

The bad:
First off paying off your house early is a horrible idea...when you can leverage your mortgage interest of 3-4% plus being able to write off the interest you are making a bad financial decision. Instead of putting another 1000 towards your home you should be investing that money. If you cant find an investment that returns more than 4% over a 30 year period you are not looking very hard.

Here is an example: paying 100 extra towards 3.25% mortgage a month for thirty years will save you about $28k in interest. Putting 100/month into "the market" returning 8.9% over that same period would net you 155K in earnings. So you are "paying" over 127K to be able to say you paid your house off...

Paying off all debt early may not make sense either. If you can borrow money at a lower rate than your investments/business ROI will earn then that is just a silly idea (see mortgage rant) If you are really freaked out about debt you will always have the ability and the money set aside to pay that debt down.

He also says do not use credit cards. This is just silly. If you can get 1-5% kickback on charges on the card that is a no brainer. You just need to use the card when you have the money to pay it off every month. Have a little self control and you will be fine.

College funding for kids. Um no. My parents didn't pay for mine and I am not paying for my kids either. We have funds set up to cover a year each but that is all. They need to have skin in the game or they will not perform up to their abilities.

6 months of expenses in a savings account. Oh man...that is a lot of money to keep in a 0% return account. How about that ROTH where you can pull the contributions out without penalty? Yes please.

The good:
-setting up an emergency fund is a great idea.
-Investing 15% of your income is mandatory. Just consider it a "retirement tax" and do not spend that money.

Sorry for the long rant but I am just sick and tired of people looking for quick fixes to the problems they have brought onto themselves. And following some plan like a sheep because they are scared of debt...
Being able to leverage debt is one of the greatest tricks that a business can use to grow. Why not treat your household as a small business...it just boils down to self control.

Have some self control and you will be much better off than following some dude that has filed bankruptcy in the past...
I was trying not to go into my Dave Ramsay issues .... so I been Purposely vague, which I think you cought caught onto..
Sep 9, 2012
I take a couple of "Someday Hunts" every year. After arrowing 19 NA species on hunts without guides,, hunting in quite a few states (and a few provinces that did allow it), I've had to start booking guided archery hunts....with the goal of arrowing the NA 29. Two caribou (Mt and CCBG) and Tule elk are left, and I'll hunt them this fall. The caribou are repeat trips....one unsuccessful CCBG bowhunt and seven unsuccessful bowhunts for Mt Caribou so far, (5 DIY in BC).

Thunder head

Jul 13, 2017
I would love to move out west. Since my wife will never go, that's out.

So I have had to come up with a bucket list of sorts

I have been fortunate to check a lot off my list already.

Whats left,
Too actually shoot a Moose.
Hunting in Australia or New Zealand
A big Mulie
Rooster fish
Peacock bass

Non hunting, as a lot younger man I left something undone in Yosemite valley.
I just might have to rectify that before I get to old or decrepit to rock climb.
Feb 17, 2017
I was trying not to go into my Dave Ramsay issues .... so I been Purposely vague, which I think you cought caught onto..

After reading your posts over the years I think we both align pretty close on our core values. And yes I knew where you were headed with that! Haha


Mar 3, 2018
He is an excellent salesperson. I have a huge problem with Dave and the "process" that he sells.

Of his 7 baby steps I think that 2 maybe 3 are not horrible ideas. The biggest issue I have is that he uses a very broad brush when he pushes the program...not everyone is in the same situation.

The bad:
First off paying off your house early is a horrible idea...when you can leverage your mortgage interest of 3-4% plus being able to write off the interest you are making a bad financial decision. Instead of putting another 1000 towards your home you should be investing that money. If you cant find an investment that returns more than 4% over a 30 year period you are not looking very hard.

Here is an example: paying 100 extra towards 3.25% mortgage a month for thirty years will save you about $28k in interest. Putting 100/month into "the market" returning 8.9% over that same period would net you 155K in earnings. So you are "paying" over 127K to be able to say you paid your house off...

Paying off all debt early may not make sense either. If you can borrow money at a lower rate than your investments/business ROI will earn then that is just a silly idea (see mortgage rant) If you are really freaked out about debt you will always have the ability and the money set aside to pay that debt down.

He also says do not use credit cards. This is just silly. If you can get 1-5% kickback on charges on the card that is a no brainer. You just need to use the card when you have the money to pay it off every month. Have a little self control and you will be fine.

College funding for kids. Um no. My parents didn't pay for mine and I am not paying for my kids either. We have funds set up to cover a year each but that is all. They need to have skin in the game or they will not perform up to their abilities.

6 months of expenses in a savings account. Oh man...that is a lot of money to keep in a 0% return account. How about that ROTH where you can pull the contributions out without penalty? Yes please.

The good:
-setting up an emergency fund is a great idea.
-Investing 15% of your income is mandatory. Just consider it a "retirement tax" and do not spend that money.

Sorry for the long rant but I am just sick and tired of people looking for quick fixes to the problems they have brought onto themselves. And following some plan like a sheep because they are scared of debt...
Being able to leverage debt is one of the greatest tricks that a business can use to grow. Why not treat your household as a small business...it just boils down to self control.

Have some self control and you will be much better off than following some dude that has filed bankruptcy in the past...

Seems like you align more with Robert Kiyosaki than Dave Ramsey. I 100% agree.

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Dec 28, 2015
I have quit with the "someday" mantra and I am now making things happen. Vacationed in Alaska last year, going hunting in Alaska this fall. I am putting things into motion for hunts/adventures years down the road. Only thing that will keep me from doing them is death/severe illness or some other catastrophe.
Feb 17, 2017
Seems like you align more with Robert Kiyosaki than Dave Ramsey. I 100% agree.

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Had to look up the his name. Never read his book but heard about it. Lots of recommendations...probably should get around to reading it someday. And yes looks like that is more my style haha.