Whats your name boy?

My first name kind of rhymes with “bastard,” and 22 years ago a good friend’s 5 year-old daughter (they listen to a lot of Wu-Tang Clan in that house) looked up at me one day and made this face and said “Ol’ Dirty Baxter!” He and his wife (and all our mutual friends) have never called me anything since, and if he ever introduced me to you, that’s what he’d call me.
I’ve had this internal debate wether it was coincidence or a wu-tang reference.
Always loved crow hunting...back in the day I used to get paid to rid pecan farms of the scoundrels... I've saved several thousands of pecan pies over the years ...you're welcome
Whenever I'm on the Mic or Writing a verse or on the TurnTables, it's TheGDog. Had this handle since '92. Cause when you're a Down-a$$ mofo, your compadres just naturally tack-on the "Dog" part. (Also first name starts with a G) Although sometimes I'll get G-Money thrown around a few by others as well. But in general the "Dog" part refers to the tenacity to never quit. Like the way a Dog won't let go once it's clamped down on something it wants to kill.

In written form I always make sure to preface it with "The" since the name is more vague, lotta other people, understandably also make use of same handle. Also go by TheGDizzo to make use of the f'shizzle talk way of writing it, which I incorporated into verses a time or two. The latter way of writing it works better for Internet stuff as well since more unique to search on.
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I was out hunting and came across a guy who was wanting to know what I was doing walking around with a German shorthair pointer and a shotgun. He did actually say GSP. I told him nothing special, just out for a walk. So, GSPHUNTER. sounds better than, GSPWALKER.
Whenever I'm on the Mic or Writing a verse or on the TurnTables, it's TheGDog. Had this handle since '92. Cause when you're a Down-a$$ mofo, your compadres just naturally tack-on the "Dog" part. (Also first name stars with a G) Although sometimes I'll get G-Money thrown around a few by others as well. But in general the "Dog" part refers to the tenacity to never quit. Like the way a Dog won't let go once it's clamped down on something it wants to kill.

In written form I always make sure to preface it with "The" since the name is more vague, lotta other people, understandably also make use of same handle. Also go by TheGDizzo to make use of the f'shizzle talk way of writing it, which I incorporated into verses a time or two. The later way of writing it works better for Internet stuff as well since more unique to search on.
Right on man,love it!
It's been my handle since the days of AOL screen names.

My other obsession is fast cars, specifically drag racing and street cars, specifically Fords.

GR are my initials, Fox is for Fox body mustang, my favorite body style, and 92 is for the year of my first car, a 1992 LX Mustang (foxbody)

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Got it from the old guys at deer camp. Being the young buck as they would say I did the timber crawling on deer drives. More like staggering through ice mud and water in swamps so thick you couldn't see a freight train 20 feet in front of you, but I loved it! I guess I didn't lose that enthusiasm cause my favorite hunts now are sneaking through black timber blow downs. I'm a glutton for punishment haha
First name is Mark. Arizona native, 2nd generation AZ residents, family immigrated from Italy when it was still the AZ territory. Produced 2 more generations of AZ residents that I spawned. Lived all over the state , border to border. Now live back on the original family homestead.
First name is Mark. Arizona native, 2nd generation AZ residents, family immigrated from Italy when it was still the AZ territory. Produced 2 more generations of AZ residents that I spawned. Lived all over the state , border to border. Now live back on the original family homestead.
My folks are up in Rimrock.....still praying for rain