What’s your favorite outdoors idiom/colloquialism?

Oct 30, 2021
I’ll start. Some I’ve heard here and some I’ve heard elsewhere:

Kentucky windage: holding off target for wind

Texas heart shot: a shot up the brown balloon knot

Wisconsin tuxedo: full carhartt bibs and jacket


Here ya go
You get what you get, and don’t talk shit

bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

It ain’t the heat, it’s the gosh darn humidity (for when it’s really cold)
Texas heart shot: a shot up the brown balloon knot

Wisconsin tuxedo: full carhartt bibs and jacket

Never that in UP or WI. As for Texans its just fun to screw with Texan, Why in texas we shoot deer up the butt.

They closed liquor stores for 61 hours. I hope I don't have to specify, TX, not WI. We don't have that much goverment.
As a language/grammar nazi, I must observe that some of you have mistaken aphorism for idiom. I’m willing to concede we should include aphorisms in this thread so long as no one thinks they are idioms.!!!😎😬

aphorism - a pithy observation usually containing truth or wisdom, often humorous as in: “There’s no money above the third fret“. “Country musicians play three chords for thousands of people, while jazz musicians play thousands of chords for three people”. Or “ It doesn’t matter what bullet you miss them with.”

Idiom - A colorful piece of language whose meaning may be well known and understood by colloquial speakers but is not literal or apparent from the words used. As in: Beat around the bush, stabbed in the back, piece of cake, a tall drink of water.

This one‘s not really hunting related. “He’s All hat, No cattle.“.
“Antlers make poor soup” may be both an idiom and an aphorism.