What’s your favorite outdoors idiom/colloquialism?

Feb 28, 2012
As a language/grammar nazi, I must observe that some of you have mistaken aphorism for idiom. I’m willing to concede we should include aphorisms in this thread so long as no one thinks they are idioms.!!!😎😬

aphorism - a pithy observation usually containing truth or wisdom, often humorous as in: “There’s no money above the third fret“. “Country musicians play three chords for thousands of people, while jazz musicians play thousands of chords for three people”. Or “ It doesn’t matter what bullet you miss them with.”

Idiom - A colorful piece of language whose meaning may be well known and understood by colloquial speakers but is not literal or apparent from the words used. As in: Beat around the bush, stabbed in the back, piece of cake, a tall drink of water.

This one‘s not really hunting related. “He’s All hat, No cattle.“.
“Antlers make poor soup” may be both an idiom and an aphorism.
Thread killer...


Jun 1, 2013
As a language/grammar nazi, I must observe that some of you have mistaken aphorism for idiom. I’m willing to concede we should include aphorisms in this thread so long as no one thinks they are idioms.!!!😎😬

aphorism - a pithy observation usually containing truth or wisdom, often humorous as in: “There’s no money above the third fret“. “Country musicians play three chords for thousands of people, while jazz musicians play thousands of chords for three people”. Or “ It doesn’t matter what bullet you miss them with.”

Idiom - A colorful piece of language whose meaning may be well known and understood by colloquial speakers but is not literal or apparent from the words used. As in: Beat around the bush, stabbed in the back, piece of cake, a tall drink of water.

This one‘s not really hunting related. “He’s All hat, No cattle.“.
“Antlers make poor soup” may be both an idiom and an aphorism.
But why did you not Capitolize “hat” or “cattle”. ? And a comma after hat, followed by a capItAl “N” for No cattle. And a misplaced period, and an extra period after the word cattle. And you used Two periods for one sentence? Inconsistent use of quotation marks and periods to end sentences, as Well. Me sees several non sequiturs between your written word and self proclaimed title, Mr Nazi. C’mon, man!
Mar 31, 2022
This is good Infantry weather
Pour me a lil scripture in my coffee
They say the elk are as big as buffalo this year in Montana


Oct 10, 2021
Skookum- logging term derived from PNW native term- strong, stout, powerful.
In the Great Smokies and surrounding area, there was a logging colloquialism called “ball hoot” or “ball hootin’.” It meant rolling logs downhill. It came to mean anything heading downhill in an uncontrolled fashion. Sort of like “Katie, bar the door” it’s a-comin’ through.

I have no idea of it’s origin.


Oct 6, 2021
"Not my pig, not my farm" or "Not my circus, not my monkeys". For when somebody is doing something stupid and you mind your own business.


Jun 30, 2020
As a language/grammar nazi, I must observe that some of you have mistaken aphorism for idiom. I’m willing to concede we should include aphorisms in this thread so long as no one thinks they are idioms.!!!😎😬

aphorism - a pithy observation usually containing truth or wisdom, often humorous as in: “There’s no money above the third fret“. “Country musicians play three chords for thousands of people, while jazz musicians play thousands of chords for three people”. Or “ It doesn’t matter what bullet you miss them with.”

Idiom - A colorful piece of language whose meaning may be well known and understood by colloquial speakers but is not literal or apparent from the words used. As in: Beat around the bush, stabbed in the back, piece of cake, a tall drink of water.

This one‘s not really hunting related. “He’s All hat, No cattle.“.
“Antlers make poor soup” may be both an idiom and an aphorism.
Will there be a test??
Nov 14, 2020
But why did you not Capitolize “hat” or “cattle”. ? And a comma after hat, followed by a capItAl “N” for No cattle. And a misplaced period, and an extra period after the word cattle. And you used Two periods for one sentence? Inconsistent use of quotation marks and periods to end sentences, as Well. Me sees several non sequiturs between your written word and self proclaimed title, Mr Nazi. C’mon, man!
It was, like, one a.m. And it’s not easy on an IPad. And I’m dumber than I think I am. Mmmmmm this shoe tastes good.! Seriously, the IPad often capitalizes words and then fights me to undo it. Often I just give up.

This one my son brought home from the Army. He uses it when he doesn’t quite understand why we’re doing it the hard slow stupid way. “This is your goat-f**k… I’m just holdin‘ the leg”
Nov 14, 2020
I guess these are colloquialisms, but neither aphorisms, idioms, or metaphors…:
“When the wind stops in Wyoming, all the chickens fall over. “
”Nebraska is so flat, if your dog runs away you can still see him four days later.”