What’s your CC ?


Mar 19, 2019
New Mexico
I carry concealed all the time and I’ve got a few handguns for that purpose. I’m thinking of picking up a Glock 19X …..don’t need it, just want it…. Anyone have a 19x ? What’s your CC? I’m carrying a 9 mm Shield compact today.
I used to carry a G43 until I gave it to my wife. I put my G19 into my EDC rotation and have gotten used to it. The Stacatto thread has me thinking about those now.

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I rotate a few and have a 19x that gets a lot of use. Glock 20, Glock 43, Glock 19, 1911 Commander, HK USP, Sig P series, Beretta, and a couple revolvers in there too.

I love my 19x. It’s a strange gun in which the sum of a bunch of different parts makes it awesome. I have 3 friends who went out to buy one after shooting mine. the Glock 45 is the same model in black, front serrations, and has a different mag cutout that can accommodate all mags.

needless to say the 19x is really great gun. The only “downside“ is that the longer grip length (compared to a Glock 19) may print more depending on how you carry it.
Springfield Hellcat Pro for the most part and Shield 2.0 every now and then.
I rotate depending on my outfit. Taurus 709 slim when wearing shorts and tshirt. Heavier clothes I will carry a Taurus G2C. Yep I am cheap but these guns shoot well and operate the same. So switching back and forth is easy.
I used to carry a G43 until I gave it to my wife. I put my G19 into my EDC rotation and have gotten used to it. The Stacatto thread has me thinking about those now.

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The reason I’m really interested in the 19X is my nieces husband is 15 years a Green Beret, still active and claims if he could only have one handgun it would be the 19X….old reliable every time, in every way after many thousands of rounds through his. He says there are prettier guns but probably none more dependable.
19 or 43X depending on outfit. I trust them enough to point at my junk in a good holster with one in the pipe. I'm done having kids either way.

I'll likely be adding optic to both in the next little bit.

I love to see so many people carry.
P365 currently, but intrigued by the Hellcat Pro or G43x MOS.

On a side note, I've got the Shadow Systems XR920 (same as 19x) and you're all right....that gun size just fits a sweet spot for me. Maybe a winter season cc.
Glock 45 at the moment, also used a Walther CCP for a while. I shoot both very well which I think is the most important.