Whats your Black Bear Caliber?

I have killed 6 of them, all spot and stalk with the closest shot being 300 yards. Two with a 243. 1 with a 6mm CM. One with a 270wsm, and 2 with a 6.5 prc. My preference is the 6mm.
Between myself and new hunters I've taken out we have used the 260 Rem, 6.5x55, 264 WM 270 Win, 7mm RM, 30-06, 308 Norma, 303 British, 358 Win, 35 Whelen and 375 Ruger. They all worked.

I liked the 270 Win with 160 gr Partitions best, penetrates at any angle and opens a good wound channel. Going to try that bullet in my 6.8 Western since it works so well. The smaller 6.5's did well too. I carry the 35 Whelen when going out with young hunters in case they make a bad shot. Cleaned up a couple of messes with it and things end fast when needed.
45-70 for me, but shots are close. Killed my first with a heavy cast bulliet, but 300 gr HP handloads have performed better.
Caliber? It doesn’t really matter to me that much.

Cartridges? I prefer the 7TCU and 6X45, however I have killed more bears with a 308 and a bow than any other.
I’ve shot most of mine with with a 454 Casull out of a lever action, couple with a 375 Ruger and one with a 338 Win.
Just curious what are most of you guys/girls using Caliber wise for hunting Black bear. Thank you in advance Jason
I've hunted black bears with a .308 Winchester and had great success. The 180-grain bullets seem to work well for me. I've also heard great things about the .30-06 Springfield and .300 Winchester Magnum.
I've hunted black bears with a .308 Winchester and had great success. The 180-grain bullets seem to work well for me. I've also heard great things about the .30-06 Springfield and .300 Winchester Magnum.
I've hunted black bears with a .308 Winchester and had great success. The 180-grain bullets seem to work well for me. I've also heard great things about the .30-06 Springfield and .300 Winchester Magnum.
What about you, what's your go-to caliber for black bear hunting?
My go to has been my Kimber Montana 7 WSM the past 10 years, but the barrel is shot out and headed back to pacnor for a 4-6 month vacation getting a new tube installed. Ordered a Kimber Hunter 6.5 creed the other day that I plan to get running and start it with a spring bear.
My wife will be shooting her 6.5creed with eldm, I will be shooting the 223 with tmk’s.

I have killed more bear with a 270 vs other cartridges, shot one with a partition, and the rest with sst’s (all 130gr)

Bear are the most cliche critters “shot placement is king”

They are incredibly easy to kill handily with any legal cartridges, but you have to make good shots on bear… if you make a poor shot on bear, they are very tough, and retreat into horrible spots. They live in some miserable hell holes, the best plan is to shoot them well so they can’t make it home