So I just traded a guy some old stabilizers I had for an old bow he had lying around, I traded for the bow for a backup/parts bow for my kids bow. The bow is probably worth $100 tops, has missing parts and needs strings, however they don't make the bow any more and I have a few bows at the house that share similar parts.
Anyway, I boxed up the stabilizers and side bars I'm trading and sent them yesterday, it was like $15 shipping so I figure I'll get a good deal on a parts bow. This guy had the bow advertised on a trade-only forum wanting to trade for stabilizers. So this morning I get a message from the guy who somehow ended up paying $180 to ship the bow to me. The stabilizers were probably worth no more than $100, maybe less. Anyway, he way overpaid shipping, shipping a bow with insurance USPS is $45-60 bucks depending on where it's going.
I assume the guy sent me the receipt with mentioned how much it cost hoping I would offer to pay part of the shipping? I probably wouldn't have paid $50-100 for the bow locally as a parts bow.
If you had this deal happened what would you do?
Just let the guy use it as a learning opportunity? He already paid the price and shipped me the bow.
Offer to send him some money to help pay for the outrageous shipping, even though I already sent him the items that I planned on trading plus paid the shipping?
I feel bad for the guy but also can't even imagine paying that kind of money to ship a bow, I don't even know how that happens, maybe too big of a box, took it and had the store box it and ship it and paid their labor?
Curious on others' thoughts?
Anyway, I boxed up the stabilizers and side bars I'm trading and sent them yesterday, it was like $15 shipping so I figure I'll get a good deal on a parts bow. This guy had the bow advertised on a trade-only forum wanting to trade for stabilizers. So this morning I get a message from the guy who somehow ended up paying $180 to ship the bow to me. The stabilizers were probably worth no more than $100, maybe less. Anyway, he way overpaid shipping, shipping a bow with insurance USPS is $45-60 bucks depending on where it's going.
I assume the guy sent me the receipt with mentioned how much it cost hoping I would offer to pay part of the shipping? I probably wouldn't have paid $50-100 for the bow locally as a parts bow.
If you had this deal happened what would you do?
Just let the guy use it as a learning opportunity? He already paid the price and shipped me the bow.
Offer to send him some money to help pay for the outrageous shipping, even though I already sent him the items that I planned on trading plus paid the shipping?
I feel bad for the guy but also can't even imagine paying that kind of money to ship a bow, I don't even know how that happens, maybe too big of a box, took it and had the store box it and ship it and paid their labor?
Curious on others' thoughts?