What's the most fun a guy can have with $20,000

Depends on how you hunt. Whitetail on family land? Probably fishing by a relatively slim margin. Out of state/international/guided hunts for less common big game animals? Hunting by a country mile.
-St. Brandon's or Alphonse Atoll for two weeks of insane flats fishing
-Maral Stag in Mongolia (although it does seem goofy to fly across the world to hunt an elk)
-Argentinian Red Stag/Wingshooting Combo
I don’t know what you should do, but I would do a Kodiak cast and blast (fish, deer, fox, waterfowl) for two weeks. If I had money left I would do a spring beat hunt the following spring in a place with big ones.
The creative juices are not flowing in this thread. 5/10. Might come back and read again
I’ve been lucky to see most of the world through business travel, vacations, and hunting trips.

Two places that stand out above the rest for me personally are Alaska and the South Island of New Zealand.

For pure hunting opportunities though, and to maximize the amount of hunts/kills with 20K I would probably take a sabbatical if possible and hunt multiple US states via vehicle.