What's something you wish you would have learned sooner in life

Instead of jumping on the craft beer bandwagon, I should have been buying those allocated bourbons b4 Justified and John Wick made them cool.

Seriously though thinking about this numerous times over the past year. My life isn't perfect but I'd be worried if I changed something years ago would I still have my 2 awesome adult children, and 2 great adult stepkids and my grandson.

Currently if I could have changed something I think I would have never started training Strongman in my 30s which have led to some issues/injuries in my 40s.

Other would be not smoking dope when I got out of the Marines and would have 5 years left to retire at 48, than 8 years left at 51
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I would like to go back and take all of the money I spent on cigarettes, alcohol and women in the bars and invest that into the S&P500.

I am doing fine, but had I done that, I would be on a much better tract to early retirement.
Sometimes being 100% honest and upfront isn't the best approach. I don't lie and I don't intentionally deceive, but I've learned that sometimes a message delivered with kid's gloves is better than just laying it out there as I see it. Similarly, the words we use matter and the way a message is delivered is important.
Just scanning and reading alot of these other threads and seems that there's alot of experience and knowledge out there in all aspects of life. So what's something you wish you would have learned earlier in life to set yourself up for success whether it be hunting related or just anything to make life easier.
When you spot what your looking for just go for it (in life or hunting). When younger I have spotted animals and thought "thats too far, I won't make it in time". This is usually wrong.
That nobody in this world really has any idea what the hell is going on or going to happen. We are all just winging our way through life and hoping what we are doing is going to work.

When taking advice from someone, look at where it got them and ask yourself if that is the way you want your life to go.
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I could’ve partied 1/5th of the amount I did from age 18-26 and still had a whole lot of fun and been buying investment properties. I blew EVERYTHING I made during those years in bars across the country. Makes me angry.

No chance I’d do the high school sports thing again. I would’ve put that energy into working more. It’s all for nothing. I have been limping around for two weeks because a 20 year old injury has been flaring up. I got a couple sports injuries that visit a few times year. Typically when I want to be hunting, fishing, or skiing with my family.

Buy all the Bitcoin.
Don't follow the crowds, be your own man even if it means your best friends are your wife and dog which are the best life & hunting partners anyway!

most "friend" check ins are really acquaintances comparing. The longer you are confused the more damage it can cause you.

Be kind but dont allow yourself to be used & your time devalued.
Be able to say no nicely.

Don't over share your business & be a man of action not talk.

What you want and need are out there, go get it.

Edit: Most people are full of shit! Take advice into consideration but do your own research!!

They don't all want to see you succeed.

Develop and keep a skill that will earn you a Great respectable living.

Keep Great morals/ Value and never bend them for favor money or to fit in.

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Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Nobody is going to look back and say dang im glad i worked that day vs doing something with your kids or that you love doing.
I’d tell my younger self to get a forearm tattoo “You’ve done exactly the right things to get exactly where you are,” or, “You’re experiencing the natural consequences of your actions.” Maybe in Japanese so I’d be more employable and hot chicks would want to date me. Lol
Just scanning and reading alot of these other threads and seems that there's alot of experience and knowledge out there in all aspects of life. So what's something you wish you would have learned earlier in life to set yourself up for success whether it be hunting related or just anything to make life easier.
There are things I would do differently if I could do it over again, but hindsight is 20/20, so I guess nothing

If I could have learned something important when I was younger, there are a lot of lessons I wouldn’t have learned

I personally don’t even like to think like that (I wish I would have known this 20 years ago, etc) because I think that mindset leads to a victim mentality, and I very much enjoy self accountability.

I’m living the consequences of my decisions, and I’m ok with that, and it’s never too late to learn important lessons and improve your situation