What's something you wish you would have learned sooner in life

The promotion are golden handcuffs or where I am at now? Seems like both might be... sounds like I should grab a masters degree
Well, I wear these golden handcuffs. I make more money than I thought I would ever have. I work nights, weekends, holidays, birthdatdays, anniversary's, opening days and elk season. If money is the measure Ive made it, if quality is the goal I fall short. My job has provided well and I will be able to retire early but what have I missed?
20 years ago I probably could have used the following:

1. Appreciate every day you have with your children, especially when they’re young.

2. Don’t bring your work home with you.

3. Take the beer money from one weekend a month and put it towards an S&P index fund if you want a head start.

4. Quit calling it beer money. Have one beer and put all of it in index funds if you want to be in the express lane.

5. No one is ready to buy a house or be a parent for the first time, so stop paying rent and practicing whatever you call the latter.

6. One woman will change your life for the better, ten women will run your ass ragged and leave you with an empty wallet.

7. Be kind for no reason.

8. Show respect to receive it.

9. She’s going to piss you off, but that’s because you’re an idiot sometimes.

10. Seek challenge, not burden. There’s a difference.
Having a hard time with this right now. Living in Idaho WFH full time job that pays shockingly well.

They want to promote me to a management position & other companies want to hire me, but id have to move to CA or NYC for those too. Eats me alive some moments in the day. But here in ID life is absurdly easy. Just turned 28, elk tag and deer tag in my pocket, went on my first bear hunt this spring & smoked the steelhead... just wonder if its laziness or fear? Both? Neither? Id make more money which would likely eat up cost of living change but not by a ton. Just ******* hate cities, but born for big city employment... any thoughts appreciated

People seem to be steering you away but its worth considering. Many times people's advice is more of what they would do themselves, not what's best for you.

That said, the world needs more strong competent men of moral character that want to make a mark in it. It will certainly come with tradeoffs but you owe it to yourself, your family and your ancestors to be the best you can be. What that is, I cant tell you but it's worth prayer and careful consideration.

The hunting in CA can be hit or miss but you can get 2x deer tags, bear tag, 4 turkey tags and unlimited pig tags every year. The upland and waterfowl hunting is also great. The fishing is great too with the ocean to boot. Its really very decent for a sportsman.
Having a hard time with this right now. Living in Idaho WFH full time job that pays shockingly well.

They want to promote me to a management position & other companies want to hire me, but id have to move to CA or NYC for those too. Eats me alive some moments in the day. But here in ID life is absurdly easy. Just turned 28, elk tag and deer tag in my pocket, went on my first bear hunt this spring & smoked the steelhead... just wonder if it’s laziness or fear? Both? Neither? Id make more money which would likely eat up cost of living change but not by a ton. Just ******* hate cities, but born for big city employment... any thoughts appreciated
Make sure to run the numbers to evaluate whether this makes sense. I figure Idaho cost of living is a lot more than where I live in Georgia, but I would imagine that living in NYC or parts of Cali are orders of magnitude more than Idaho. There are hidden costs to large metro areas that I can’t even begin to list like increased taxes, housing,private school tuition (or long commute from the burbs if you can’t do private school), hell even parking. One of the posters above is right that you just need to make sure it makes sense from a financial perspective and also ensure that your quality of life will not be degraded (ie do you have small children and will you now be seeing a lot less of them?) BUT, after running the numbers and evaluating your time commitments, it might make sense and you might be able to set your family up really nicely going forward. Just my two cents, if I were fortunate enough to live in Idaho, I don’t think wild horses could drag me away.
Couldn't waste anytime reading the responses but your questing dictates a response.

Don't waste a second guessing what could have been. Happiness is a choice so be happy with where you are, always. I guarantee it will anyways be better than where someone else is.
People seem to be steering you away but its worth considering. Many times people's advice is more of what they would do themselves, not what's best for you.

That said, the world needs more strong competent men of moral character that want to make a mark in it. It will certainly come with tradeoffs but you owe it to yourself, your family and your ancestors to be the best you can be. What that is, I cant tell you but it's worth prayer and careful consideration.
Well said.

Also: Remorse is life’s way of saying you need to learn from a decision, regret is your way of failing to move past it.
That's a really good one!

Save and invest your money. You don't need $80k trucks and $100k boats and RV's to impress people that don't care anyways. I would be retired right now (34 years old) if I started my exact same investment path at 19 years old. Instead I started it when I was 29 hahaha. Oh well, better late than never. Money, and less financial stress does buy you emotional and physical freedom, and lots of it.
Sage advice from a 34-year-old. I didn't pay close enough attention until my early 40's. That 15 years between 25-40 is exponentially worth more than 40-65.