We're all stuffing the last few things into our packs, going over gear lists, grocery lists, piling up the garage or hobby rooms with stuff... and I have a nagging feeling I'm forgetting something. The last couple things on my lists are oil change and tire rotation, both appointments are tomorrow.
Thought I'd start a lighthearted thread on things we've forgotten. Plus, it may remind someone they forgot to add it to their gear list.
One year when my son and I were heading out to do an overnight scouting trip I thought I had thrown in a cheap tent. When we got to the trail head I realized I had thrown in a beach sun shade. When I got home I took a sharpie and wrote, "Not A Tent" on both ends. The damn bag looks identical to a tent I also own.
If you're so inclined, finish the sentence, "One time, I forgot..."