What Whitetail woods will 2024 take you to?

Lease in SE TX, and an archery draw hunt on E TX public. Probably dumping the lease after this year and trying some public in TX,OK, and AR
Maybe this is crazy coming from Ohioian. I’d like to go somewhere where the average deer is smaller in antler size. I think it would help me get back to just deer being fun!

From Ohio though so I’ll hit Ohio public. Kentucky early.

I’d like to find a place to be able to spot and stall whitetail but idk how likely that is for me this season.
PA ANF/ yard, my yard/lease turns into the Kinzua Area

Then hitting the New York side of the water at the Allegany State Park

Tricked out my son’s crossbow to look like an m4, he’s pumped, his first year, I’m pumped. Guna get real turok like here soon.
Woods? You mean y'all got trees where you live? ;)

I'll be back in western Kansas, crawling in the dirt like a homeless person.

Yea bro but west Kansas is a different kind of pretty. I was at Riley for awhile. I loved driving out by Sharon springs at sunset.
Got a baby due 11/5 so I’m hunting real close to home (tampa, fl). Hope to take something via bow on public this year.

Crazy most of the country thinks Georgia is tough but that’s where we go for easy harvests.
Just getting into hunting with my kids, 16 and 13, so were going to spend most of our time in the woods behind the house but may also try to get up to norther MI 1 or 2 weekends during bow season and see if we can get lucky.
Upstate NY mostly. Going to possibly try to get to the Adirondacks to track with a lighter weight rifle if we get some early snowfall. Been wanting to get to Ohio for years so depending on how work goes, I will hopefully make it out there once or twice this season, even if it means waiting until late muzzleloader season. Trying to learn how to use lidar for e scouting these last few days

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I am just starting hunting with my son (16), and a friend who lives in Western Maryland is letting us hunt 245 acres he owns there. Hoping for beginner’s luck!
We closed up shop about a year ago in WY and relocated to CT. Big step forward for us in a lot of aspects of life, but about as far in reverse as you can go from a hunting perspective. Going from chasing antelope around Shirley Basin to trying to kill a whitetail (from a tree no less) on a 350 acre chunk of state land.

Trying like mad to track down a piece of private I can partner with a land owner to develop, but for now... gotta find a way!