What tools do you carry in your hunting pack (daypack or multi-day pack)?


Jan 16, 2015
I have always carried a multitool on my hunts (Leatherman Rebar), but am thinking about adding a few more tools to my pack.

When we hunt from a base camp that we pack into I bring a few more tools, mostly hex and torx bits and a Victorinox Driver (shown below). I'm thinking about adding something like this to my hunting daypack. The problem with most all screws on firearms, bows, and knives is they can't be loosened/tightened with a multitool like Phillips, slotted, and hex head bolts can be. There's been a few times I've wanted to check a screw on something and didn't have the right bit. I was once hunting with a friend who discovered he had mounted his scope with the objective resting on the rear sight and his scope rings were not seated (he was not a gun guy at all). We couldn't do anything about it in the field because we didn't have Allen keys. We couldn't even remove the scope and it was extremely loose after a day of hunting.

I keep this kit in my truck, thinking about throwing it in my pack with a set of inch and metric hex bits. We actually use torx bits at work often when we don't have the correct hex bit on hand and they almost work better. I wonder if I could check every metric and inch socket head cap screw size and only bring the hex bits that torx don't work with.



I think something like this is too heavy to carry all day in a pack, but I keep one of these in my work backpack and it comes in handy often when I would be SOL without the proper bit. This is also the kit I bring along when we aren't packing base camp very far (it stay's in the tent):

I run Talley rings/bases and I carry a Torx that fits the rings in the repair kit I take on hunts. I've never needed it, and don't carry it in my daypack, just at base camp.