What to use for cracking, bleeding hands in the field.

The lotions works ok, but I have found liquid bandage, or in a pinch super glue, on the cracks works well to keep them from cracking more.
This is what I have to do. My finger tips crack on both sides of the nail all the way out to the tip, no amount of lotions will help once that happens and it starts happening freaking fast. Liquid bandaid stops it once it gets started and protects it as well as adds some firmness to keep it from re-splitting every time I touch something. I've not tried the super glue but imagine it would help also.
I get used to get line cuts and cuts from gill plates prior to wearing a glove always on my non dominant hand. Super glue used to seal the cut, keeps it dry and minimizes infections. Nothing worse for infections than a wet bandaid.
Vaseline from my firestarter kit works well, but usually its my tube of vaseline lip stuff like carmex but no smell
Decided to try Duke Cannon Bloody Knuckles for now, it has Lanolin in it. Been using since this weekend, so far so good.
My hands are always dry when the humidity gets low, and if I don't keep up with something like Okeefes working hands they will crack and bleed. This year in Colorado for a week, my hands started cracking and bleeding really bad. I didn't have anything with me to put on them. Towards the end they actually kept me from sleeping from throbbing pain. Does anyone suffer from the same issue and have something that really works well to keep on them when in the field for weeks at a time?
Bag balm, but it stinks. I super glue the cracks shut. Just did it about 5 mins ago...
I keep Ky in the tent and lube mine up every night..

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I’ve lived in CO my entire life and O’keeffes is the only thing that worked for me. I would also suggest drinking more water, especially when you’re at altitude. When I do high elevation hunting or training I drink a ton of water, way more than I think I need.

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What was the weather like where you were at,? We're you wearing gloves? We're you staying hydrated/drinking a ton of water? Drinking alcohol at camp at night?

Maybe look at ways to prevent it from happening in the first place?
Cerave or Vanicream. Some hand creams exacerbate the cracks by causing an allergic/hypersensitivity reaction. Use something hypoallergenic like above. Vaseline is a good rec too.
"Working Hands" is the best I've found yet. It stings a little.

The thing I've found about dry hands is that they've lost their moisture... obviously. Whatever you use, it needs to form a protective barrier that mitigates moisture loss. Lotions that rub in quick and don't feel greasy greasy for a long time, feel good but they aren't doing anything to prevent moisture loss. Oh, and wearing latex gloves with lotion overnight don't work and maybe make things worse.

If I have a crack/cut in my hands, I put Working Hands on it with a bandaid overnight, and leave it on the next day. I rub it into my whole hands a bit too. In many cases, the next day, it's healed enough to not hurt. Repeat until crack and surrounding skin is normal. You won't need anything on your hands during the day after that, but at night, rub a little on your hands to maintain.
Get your hands in a pair of socks or gloves at night with the moisturizer. That’s my approach when needed.