What the closest face-to-face encounters you've had with animals while hunting?

With my youngest son (15 at the time) on the Montana Idaho border hunting mule deer. Not seeing much, but walking a trail and stepping out at overlooks to take a peak. We are being very quiet as its solid trees. At an overlook, and he says he wants to go up and look on the other side of the ridge. He takes 10 steps, stops dead in his tracks and says mmmph lmmph. I say if its a buck shoot it. He literally has gone 4 vertical feet up from me, maybe 10-12 feet total, what can he see? He turns around again ready to shoot and says muffin lynn. I can't hear for shit. Finally I put together mountain lion. I prepare to defend myself and him, take 2 steps, and there, standing on a rock outcropping 30-40' away is a mature mountain lion. As soon as it sees me it takes 2 of the most athletic leaps you can imagine never to be seen again. We were a fair bit noisier on the way back, but it was a reminder they are probably more afraid of us than we are of them.

Many years ago, before there was ever a rumor about wolves in ND I was pheasant hunting a tree row near a lake. I got to the end, and up stands a wolf, looks at me and trots away. 3-4x bigger than I ever imagined. It was huge. It hadn't snowed for a few days and all I could find for tracks was the ones leaving. It may have blown in on his old tracks, but kinda weird regardless.
In 2019 spent 10 minutes in a stare down with a mature buck at only 5 yards in a cattail swamp. Yup, 5 yards!

I heard him coming grunting the entire time so i sorta rose up slightly and nocked an arrow. As i looked up from nocking the arrow he just materialized out of the head high cattails and our eyes locked instantly. He froze dead and i didn’t dare move an inch. We stared at each other like this for 10 minutes waiting for the other to say uncle. Well, he eventually had enough and went from statue to a blur of brown fur and cattails and was gone. I was left there to deal with the ensuing adrenaline dump.

Never saw him again but it’s one of my top hunting experiences in 38 years of hunting.
Way less exciting than most of yours, but my closest by far. The first time ever turkey hunting we were set up at first light with my back to an oak tree. gun rested on my knee for support. Buddy calls in a flock of about 8 hens. I sit stock-still but eyes scanning for something with a beard. One of the hens walks in front of me and has to duck her head down to get under my gun barrel.
Almost too many to count. Countless birds landing on me, Had a squirrel run down the back of my shirt while i was in a tree stand once. Sitting on the ground waiting for " Mid-day madness " and had a badger walk across my feet. I have pulled hair from 2 separate Elk also.

I was standing just above the brush line after field dressing a moose. I was covered in blood because i'm not very good at it. The brush next to me, about 5 yards away, starts erupting and shaking violently. I hear my dads voice in my head: "better lift up your gun." So I did.

Out of the brush jumps a wolverine. We both stare at each other dumb founded, trying to figure out the next appropriate action. I told him it was my moose, and I threw some rocks at him. He got the idea.
I lip squeaked in a coyote to about 8 feet and got a video of it as I wasn't coyote hunting and didn't have a rifle with me. 🤦‍♂️

Shot a bull elk with my bow at 6 yards once. Also had a calf elk feed within about 2 yards of me, looked me in the eye, and then just carried on munching.
Sitting on a creek bank waiting for ducks.
Less than 5 feet away, a beaver crawls out on the bank and begins grooming.
Interesting show.

Sitting under a youpon along a fence, a doe and yearling came towards me across the fence.
I sat extremely still. The yearling began to browse on the youpon I was sitting under. Couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 feet away!

Had a big ol, fat red squirrel try to get in a ladder stand with me! Wasn't about to let THAT happen.

Had an armadillo root around my feet while sitting under a pin oak squirrel hunting.
I played peek-a-boo with a big Louisiana black bear two years ago. He was roughly 40 yards from me. I was walking out. He walked on all fours and then stood up behind a tree and would peek his head out looking at me. Cool experience. Eventually he got bored and walked off.

Then had a rattle snake on a limb about six feet from me while in a lean too, about 15 feet up.

Makes you think for sure.
Was in the Yak bear hunting. Hiked out after sundown. Pitch dark. Had a 30 min razor drive on my buddy’s open door razor. I was alone driving 40 mph on a 1 track road middle of no where near a mountain lake. Had a giant wolf jump across the road right in front of me. It jumped over the hood and skinned the windshield so close I could smell it. Pulled my G20 out the rest of the drive home, changed my pants back at camp that night.
One time I had a great horned owl scare me half to death while deer hunting. I was 20ft up a tree before grey light and I turned my head just in time so see this monstrous bird fly in and land on the branch next to me. He stayed for a second and then decided I wasn't good company.

I hunt mostly from the ground now, not because of the owl but because I like to be mobile. Well this year during muzzleloader season I was watching a very fresh scrape about 30 yards away. I had already seen a buck cruising through with no shot when I heard another deer over my left shoulder. I cut my eyes and saw a little 4pt. I was ready to turn and blast him but he was in the open and there was no way I would get my gun up quick enough. He turned to look behind him and I made my play for the gun.

He knew something wasn't right and slipped into the thick pines on the opposite hillside before I could shoot. I could hear him meandering around over there and I knew he wanted to check the scrape so I just sat there, waiting for him to step out.

All of a sudden, I hear a deer coming quickly down the hill behind me. I realize I'm sitting on the trail this deer is running and just freeze, hoping he'll clear me and I'll shoot him. He gets to within 10ft behind me and completely turned inside out. I hollered at him and he turned to look back and I shot him at 30 yards.

When I went to track him, I could see where he churned the ground up when he spotted me. He was directly in line and just a couple steps away.

A different time, back in bow season, I heard a deer running full clip through the woods. I turned and saw a fawn, tail up, booking it. She ran by me close enough I could have tackled her. I figured something had to be chasing her but nothing else ever came by.
1) The first elk I ever shot was from 8 feet away. I was puckered tight as he walked directly at me for over 30 yards. Finally turned broadside at 8 feet and I thumped him!

2) I shot a mountain lion and we trailed it for a little bit. Found it very much alive in its bed. I put a finishing shot on it from about 15 yards. It sprung from its bed directly at me with very bad intentions, but died about 10 feet short of reaching me.

3) I shot a small 8 point buck when it ran into the front of my fully drawn bow and knocked me to the ground. We were making a drive and I was on a higher trail while my dad was on the river trail. I could see him about 30 yards ahead of me and 40 yards closer to the river. I didn't hear a deer coming, but saw him come to full draw. "Thump!", he had clearly hit the deer. I was at full draw and heard it crashing through everything in its way, as it jumped from the river trail to the high trail. I leaned back behind the tree I was next to, so it didn't see me, and it kept getting louder and louder (over the course of about 3 seconds). I waited for it to appear, but instead of seeing it, I felt it! I just missed the tree I was tucked behind and ran right into the front of my bow. I got knocked back on my behind, but released the arrow as I went. Dad had double lunged it and I shot it in the neck. It dropped about 20 yards past me. Crazy deal!