what socks?


Mar 28, 2012
SE Wisconsin
I haven't really found any im overly happy with so far.....last year I tried the warm weather breathable UA socks, they were nice and cool...but so thin I got blisters when compared to a regular sock I never have....and they stunk faster and worse than any sock I have ever worn.

any socks you guys highly recommend from experience? I was looking for some type of merino mix, but will look into any highly recommended sock....almost have my new clothing list complete for this years hunt, i need some socks! oh and by the way, i am looking for early season warm weather socks for hunting in august/september
The best I've found (and what I currently use) are Darn Tough, but the best bang for the buck are the merino wool socks from Costco.

If you order Darn Tough make sure you get the model that only has cushion on the bottom: http://darntough.com/hike-trek-1403.html

The model you want from that page will say "boot sock/merino/cushion"
thanks, i just found an archive link to a socks thread under footwear....i searched in clothing, didn't think to check footwear! seems like alot of people like the darn tough socks, ill probably go with those and also check costco next time i stop in to see if they have any as well
The Costco socks are WAY cheaper than anything else you'll find and only 1% difference than Smartwool socks, but the Darn Tough are guaranteed for life.
I have been useing the BPS blue polypropylene liners with the BPS day hiker wool socks. For me they are the best combo I have found.
+1 on the Darn Toughs, they seem like the only socks I wear anymore--I have two pairs, on trips thats one to wear and one to sleep in.

On long hikes thru swamps or pack rafting, I often wear some of my older smart wool or Costco socks, only because that kind of abuse wrecks socks and you can never really get all the mud out of them.
i have been wearing every day Sock Guy wool crew socks ! they are amazing!!!
in the field in town ir at work no cold feet or wicked hot feet and they dont smell to top it off

.02 over an out
I use both darn tough and lorpen, they both are high quality and after a year of abuse they are going strong.
Bridgedales are very nice, lightweight socks. I have only used them for a year, so I can't speak too much of their durability. Lathrop and Sons carries them.

I never cared for wool socks, but I must say that Firstlite's are very nice. They are a bit heavier.
I live in Smartwools year around. I have their dress socks and hunting socks. Not saying they are the best, but I have gotten along well with them.
x2 on the Brigandales....they rocked last year. No blisters to speak of after walking 5 miles down an overflowing creek (more like a river) with over 25 crossings. Socks and boots were soaked the entire time, feet came out unscathed. Not sure if it was more boot than sock or vice-versa. I've also had good luck with my medium cushion coolmax socks...I think they are wigwam.
I was issued 6 pairs of socks for the deployment I am on.. after wearing them a few times I thought to myself "These are the best socks I have ever worn!"... I look at the label and what do you know... Darn Tough.. I love them and I in them every single day...

The UA socks suck... and they make your feet smell bad, which makes your boots smell bad, which makes the ladies in your life upset :)

With the lifetime guarantee, you really can't beat Darn Tough socks... Get a pair and decide for yourself!
I just got in 4 pairs of the First Lite socks and I LOVE them! I have been using SmartWool or Cabela's Ultimax but the break in sizes I just end up with all kinds of sock in the toe of my boot and warm spots from the shifting. The First Lite socks are the best fitting socks that I have found for my foot. Hope it helps.
I have the FirstLite socks as well, I like them alot as well! Really, any Merino wool sock with good cushion on the bottom is going to serve you well!
Was using smart wool and found some good deal on Darn Tough and now the only ones i'll buy. They stayed true to shape and comfort...and warranty is great!