As others have said the top 3-4 all pretty good.
Axcel, MBG, SH, HHA. I dont mention Ultraview because haven't tried but at that price I want a lifetime warranty.
I started with Black Gold multipin but I HATE there dial and there sight tapes.
I love SH and HHA dials and tapes. But not as fond with there pins or weight vs the MBG.
Option Archery is good too. As I've gotten older and spent way to much money on sights I always end up back at MBG.
There pins, photochromatic shell, weight and simplicity fit my style. I've never had one fail me and in almost all hunting situations I haven't had to dial using the dual trac or 3 pin mountain lite. (This is all based off Whitetail hunting only).
I did notice I acquire targets faster and settle pin quicker with double vertical pin, less to think about and I'm more accurate, but these are all my experiences. I hunt saddle and public land, so by the time I get in tree I'm lucky to have a lane past 40 yds.
I still bounce between 3 pin mountain lite and dual trac. I got rid of all the micro adjust because I've had buzz. Hell this year i through a fixed 3 pin on because of a shoulder injury I couldn't get in long enough shots consistently to hone in on a tape. Dr. Just cleared me for shooting 3 weeks ago, had to dial bow back to 50#.
Practice, learn equipment, muscle memory, pin gap, know distances, there all solid sights by outstanding companies that have great CS.