Vapor Trail sells a shelf pad. I mount all mine so the prongs are behind the shelf when down, don't have to worry about them contacting.
I have a shelf pad on it. It helps some. You have a Ripcord mounted back that far? How? Can you show a pic?
Vapor Trail sells a shelf pad. I mount all mine so the prongs are behind the shelf when down, don't have to worry about them contacting.
I just traded for a Bowtech Guardian and need to buy a rest for it. What rest do you like.
Previously I had used several different rests until I had an interesting event occur on a whitetail hunt. I had a nice whitetail headed my way and when it stepped behind a tree, I drew my bow. Without me realizing it (and considering the excitement of the time) the arrow had fallen off the rest and lodged between the rest and the riser. When the deer was at 15 yards, he stopped and I released the arrow. The bow blew up in my hands. The broadhead barely scratched my wrist (I had an overdraw set up), but it could have been much worse. My hunt was over as I was in Canada and had no access parts to fix my bow (plus one limb appeared to have a crack). Yes I know this was my fault, but we all make mistakes. I just got lucky…
After this, I did a lot of research and landed with a whisker biscuit. You can over torque on the draw, you can draw at an angle, etc. The result is the whisker biscuit just works. The argument is you lose a few feet per second on the speed of the arrow. I can handle that any day to not have the same thing happen again.
Good luck on your choice!
Many won't agree but you really can't beat the practical and reliable whisker biscuit. Yeah, it's cheap, crude, and ugly but it gets the job done.
If you are pretty serious about maximizing the performance of your bow, I'd overlook the biscuit entirely. If you only hunt out to 40 yds or so and want something cheap and bomb proof, get one. I've used a ripcord code red and qad hdx over the last year. The qad is the better of the two; quieter, simpler, and more reliable. Myself and two buddies shoot every day 6 days a week, all use qad hdx, and none of us has had a single malfunction.