What pack for elk hunting in Colorado?

I was on a MR Sawtooth 45 and moved to a SG approach 2800. I went from a 7 rating to a 9.5 in my experience. I packed out a few deer with the MR and then an elk with the SG this year. I really like the SG.
I like the Kifaru stuff. I like the stiff frames and how my packs are laid out. They can be "strappy" but are really tough. They carry weight really good.

Fairly pricey..

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I tried on an ark frame at scheels and didn't care for it but I'm gonna go back and try it out again.
Packs are a lot like boots - there are some great ones out there, the best ones are expensive, and rhere is no one size fits all solution. Personally, I like my Mystery Ranch. It fits me well. It does weigh a little more than I would like empty, but it is comfortable for me under a heavy load. MYstery Ranch may not fit your frame as well as it does mine. Try a bunch on, put weight on / in them and walk around and see what works for you.
I tried on an ark frame at scheels and didn't care for it but I'm gonna go back and try it out again.
It's good you are trying out different brands. In my opinion, there are three weights you should try on a pack. Daypack weight at ~25 lbs in it, backpacking weight ~45 and packout weight ~80 lbs. Be tough to do in a store. Just keep that in mind. I've had a few friends put my pack on at daypack weight and hate the kifaru. Then, when we pack out, they love it.

One of the brands will be for you. Most of the time, when I see people really hate a pack, they really have no idea how to properly adjust it and the sequence for tightening. It makes a huge difference.

Good luck!! Let us know....

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Review the designs and pick two you like the most. Then hike with them weighted and with your day hunting gear. Only then will you know what is best for you. I learned that what feels good standing for a few minutes is not an indication of what will work better hiking.