What pack for elk hunting in Colorado?

May 9, 2024
I was told this would be a better place to post this.

I'm not new to elk hunting but this year I told my wife I want a new pack and I'm gonna spend the money to buy a premium one. I have a mystery ranch pop up 38 I used for day hunts and it's good but squeaks like hell. My other pack which I prefer and have now packed out 4 animals with is an eberlestock kite 4800. This pack is awesome but when I packed out my elk last season it wasn't carrying the load the best. I'm mainly an archery hunter but dable in rifle when I can get a decent tag in leftover. My question is what will be as roomy as the eberlestock but carry that elk weight better? I've been looking at hill people gear decker frame, stone glacier col 4800, kifaru (tried on an ark but didn't love it) what do you guys run. I also like to be as light as possible with the pack to carry more gear and food.
I started out with a badlands pack years ago and although I like the bag, which I still have, I was able to find a used SG Sky 5900 that I’ve been running with the last 5/6 years. Just last year I got a 3300 bag that goes with the same frame. The adjusting takes a bit to figure out per body type but once you’ve set it up and figured it out it’s a great pack. Carrying meat I haven’t had the chance to test out. Been skunked by elk 3x and our deer & antelope tags have been out east where we can get the truck close enough to drag it out.

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I started out with a badlands pack years ago and although I like the bag, which I still have, I was able to find a used SG Sky 5900 that I’ve been running with the last 5/6 years. Just last year I got a 3300 bag that goes with the same frame. The adjusting takes a bit to figure out per body type but once you’ve set it up and figured it out it’s a great pack. Carrying meat I haven’t had the chance to test out. Been skunked by elk 3x and our deer & antelope tags have been out east where we can get the truck close enough to drag it out.

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I had a badlands for a little bit, yeah I tried on a sg and it felt really good. I'm leaning towards sg but want some opinions on what people like to get an idea of what else I should look at.
I would get an Exo k4 7200 to hunt anything anywhere. I came from a premium Kifaru pack which I liked, but I prefer the Exo in every way.
I promise you won't be disappointed with the AKEK. It's premium, good quality stuff with a carbon fiber frame that is good at hauling heavy loads! A few different sizes are available but just watch this short video.
I promise you won't be disappointed with the AKEK. It's premium, good quality stuff with a carbon fiber frame that is good at hauling heavy loads! A few different sizes are available but just watch this short video.
The Akek is a really heavy pack with too many doodads. I was given one of their first packs and quite honestly it’s not a comfortable pack with any weight in it. You might wish to choose a pack that is lighter, waterproof, more comfortable and made in America.
Exo K4 in whatever pack size suits you is the simplest answer. Stone Glacier would be the second one I’d try.

I tried Kifaru and did not care for it. The first may have just been compatible with my body, but beyond that, I found the system to be overly complex to rig compared to EXO and KUIU and also heavier.