What pack does everyone recommend for archery elk in Colorado?

May 9, 2024
I'm not new to elk hunting but this year I told my wife I want a new pack and I'm gonna spend the money to buy a premium one. I have a mystery ranch pop up 38 I used for day hunts and it's good but squeaks like hell. My other pack which I prefer and have now packed out 4 animals with is an eberlestock kite 4800. This pack is awesome but when I packed out my elk last season it wasn't carrying the load the best. I'm mainly an archery hunter but dable in rifle when I can get a decent tag in leftover. My question is what will be as roomy as the eberlestock but carry that elk weight better? I've been looking at hill people gear decker frame, stone glacier col 4800, kifaru (tried on an ark but didn't love it) what do you guys run. I also like to be as light as possible with the pack to carry more gear and food.
There’s a whole section devoted to packs if you scroll down. Since you are from Colorado I’d drive to Grand Junction, visit Seek Outside, and try on their packs. I love mine.
There’s a whole section devoted to packs if you scroll down. Since you are from Colorado I’d drive to Grand Junction, visit Seek Outside, and try on their packs. I love mine.
Yeah I've never really gotten on here just looked when reading about stuff. I'm planning on going to grand junction to check out hill people gear in person so I'll add this to the list.
I have been using Kuiu pro pack frame with multiple size bags. It has worked well for me and allows me to switch between day size and multi day bag sizes. Seems to carry meat well. I would recommend trying to find what best fits you.
Yeah I've never really gotten on here just looked when reading about stuff. I'm planning on going to grand junction to check out hill people gear in person so I'll add this to the list.
Yeah I've never really gotten on here just looked when reading about stuff. I'm planning on going to grand junction to check out hill people gear in person so I'll add this to the list.
HPG is headquartered in Grand Junction but they use First Spear and others to make their gear elsewhere in The United States. They do have a store in GJ.
Lots of good options. IMO Eberlestock isn't one of them.....(Ive had two). I run KUIU and it works for me, but packs are a very individual thing. Go try a bunch and see.
Very true I bought the eberlestock on sale for like 128 dollars so I was willing to try it. It's definitely not a pack for elk hunting.
Exo k4 5000. I've found around the 5000 size seems to be a good happy medium of not being too big for day hunting, yet having enough room if you end up packing in for a few days. I've had horn hunter, eberlestock, stone glacier, and now exo. I'm happy where I ended up, but ultimately it's personal preference on what feels the best to you. Can't go wrong with any of the high end name brands.
HPG is headquartered in Grand Junction but they use First Spear and others to make their gear elsewhere in The United States. They do have a store in GJ.
For sure
Exo k4 5000. I've found around the 5000 size seems to be a good happy medium of not being too big for day hunting, yet having enough room if you end up packing in for a few days. I've had horn hunter, eberlestock, stone glacier, and now exo. I'm happy where I ended up, but ultimately it's personal preference on what feels the best to you. Can't go wrong with any of the high end name brands.
I do need to try on an exo on.
The most expensive you can offord. Surely it will lead to success... oops wrong thread.

I use a slumberjack frame pack with a 60 L rei bag on it. Also a contractor bag. Really excels when u are hauling a heavy load of quarters. I have added a water bottle carrier to belt..
The most expensive you can offord. Surely it will lead to success... oops wrong thread.

I use a slumberjack frame pack with a 60 L rei bag on it. Also a contractor bag. Really excels when u are hauling a heavy load of quarters. I have added a water bottle carrier to belt..
Yes, sir I really like the idea of the decker frame from hpg because you can throw whatever bag in it. Is that how the sjk is?
+1 for the kuiu pro. A ton of brands are extremely similar and equally as adjustable, but this one felt the easiest to make the shoulder strap angle fit me, even after taking it apart multiple times to clean and fidget with. The gun strap attachment up top is a great add-on too.
First generation sjk on right. 2nd on left has a different style of cover with more buckles. I prefer the first Gen as it has pockets inside the wing flaps. 2nd Gen does not.

I have never wished I had another pack. Seen lots of different packs on the mountain and in camps.... I backpack in with this, including a small day pack. Only get this to haul quarters or full camp. (My bro is a gear junkie and got me the 2nd Gen while it was on sale).

Best of luck. There are tons of packs out there. Test out all u can. I like basic stuff and can't stand a bunch of bells and whistles that only complicate things.(Like the Kuiu bag that has 5 compartments and 10 buckles and weighs 5 # empty...)


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