I had a eolus for a season and liked everything about it except basically having to crawl in and out of it because of the way the side opens sliding up on the guy out line. It is typically wet here in Oregon so getting in and out usually got me wet because it’s also hard for an old guy to get in and out without brushing against itThe DCF silex is about as perfect as it gets for me. Finally got to test it in some nasty weather the past few days, and there is no going back for me… no sag, no wetted out drippy nylon, shake the water off, and the size is perfect for one and gear, plenty of room to put my clothes so they aren’t touching the tent soaking up condensation, and condensation isn’t bad to start
Think I will get a borah bivy for it and will have a perfect setup for anything I’ll do. I doubt i will ever buy a tent that’s not DCF again, it’s worth the extra dough for me