What kind of animal is this?



Looks like a few stitches will be needed on one or two of those areas.

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Sooooo. Dr wants to test for rabies. Dad is getting prophylactic rabies shots in the interim. No idea when Grimes County animal control would show up to trap it. My plan is to call Texas A&M Vet hospital and laboratory Monday morning, explain the situation, and see if I can drop it off for testing. I should be able to. If so, that little batard is gonna take a 12 gauge 3 1/2” buckshot to the chest at point blank range. Then, I’ll chop his head off with a hatchet, put it in a zip lock, and take it to the lab to drop it off.

I’m only using the 12 gauge bc I don’t have anything else bigger.

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Dang, mauled by a kinkajou.
That dont happen every day.
Hope Dad's ok.

He’s good. My old man is as tough as an old leather boot. Not the first time he’s been mauled by an animal and probably won’t be the last.

He was absolutely wrecked by a big Brahma/cross cow about 3 weeks before I got married. She pinned him in the corner of a cattle pen and when she was done he had a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a partially collapsed lung. He was 66 years old at the time. Dad showed up and danced with my wife at the wedding. lol

I swear that man doesn’t have a concept of pain.

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Sooooo. Dr wants to test for rabies. Dad is getting prophylactic rabies shots in the interim. No idea when Grimes County animal control would show up to trap it. My plan is to call Texas A&M Vet hospital and laboratory Monday morning, explain the situation, and see if I can drop it off for testing. I should be able to. If so, that little batard is gonna take a 12 gauge 3 1/2” buckshot to the chest at point blank range. Then, I’ll chop his head off with a hatchet, put it in a zip lock, and take it to the lab to drop it off.

I’m only using the 12 gauge bc I don’t have anything else bigger.

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I'd trap the little bastard pronto and then wait to kill him until you've got somewhere to take him for rabies testing. It'd suck if he disappeared tomorrow before you figure out where to get the rabies test done.
Pick the phone up and call the nearest man you know to do what should have been done while ago. Kill it.
I'd trap the little bastard pronto and then wait to kill him until you've got somewhere to take him for rabies testing. It'd suck if he disappeared tomorrow before you figure out where to get the rabies test done.

May go trap him tomorrow or Monday. (IF) my dad still has a live animal trap. My plan was to go shoot the little sucker Monday and take him straight to A&M to have it tested. That’s where all the local vets send animals to be tested. I worked for a vet in high school and after between college semesters. We cut the head off more than a couple animals. lol

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No, it sounds like you don’t live close by. Is your confidence low?

Speedy recovery to your dad.

I don’t live close by. That’s why the damn thing is still around. I’m personally going to address the situation bc I’m pissed off.

I only ask if you were insinuating something bc your post was not clear. As far as confidence, it’s quite fine. Thanks for asking.

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Read post #49.

Big money.

Best wishes for your father’s health, that shít ain’t funny.


I’m gonna need a link on that one.

I appreciate the wishes. I knew I should have gotten rid of that damn thing when I came across it but I assumed he would leave on his own. I hate shooting animals for the sake of it but this one earned his own demise.

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