What kind of animal is this?

any updates?

Well, change of plans. Again…

My dad is getting soft…

He called an animal rehabilitation place near by. Apparently he got the number from the hospital. Since he’s been in my dad’s garage for two weeks and isn’t showing signs of rabies they came today and set traps. Once they catch him (prolly already in a trap) they will monitor him for a few weeks and place him in a zoo. (Per what they told my old man).

I told my dad I’d be there tomorrow morning to off the turd, skin him and take his head to the A&M lab for testing, then drop him off to the taxidermist as a future joke and house warming gift for my dad when I finish his house. lol

Dad said no. Let him go to a zoo…

20 years ago my old man would have beat that animal to death with a crescent wrench right there in the garage the same day and not even bothered to go to the ER.

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I can see the scene from Happy Gilmore playing out when he gives Chubs the alligator head.

Funny you say that. lol. My dad only has one hand. Lost the left one in an auto accident when I was 7. Got it pinched off between his wrist and elbow.

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I’m 66 years old, and I’ve definitely noticed I’m getting softer as I get older. Nowadays, The only animal that I kill on sight on a regular basis is a black widow spider. Most other bugs and critters found in the house will be live-trapped and escorted out. Wasps that nest too close to a doorway will also get the ax. (or more accurately, the spray). I kind of look at it like what if some giant critter found my existence or my presence to be annoying, and just snuffed me for that reason. Most of them are just trying to make a living, the same as me.

That being said, I certainly wouldn’t blame you for shooting that little bugger. But I’m happy that you’re honoring your dad’s wishes..
I’m 66 years old, and I’ve definitely noticed I’m getting softer as I get older. Nowadays, The only animal that I kill on sight on a regular basis is a black widow spider. Most other bugs and critters found in the house will be live-trapped and escorted out. Wasps that nest too close to a doorway will also get the ax. (or more accurately, the spray). I kind of look at it like what if some giant critter found my existence or my presence to be annoying, and just snuffed me for that reason. Most of them are just trying to make a living, the same as me.

That being said, I certainly wouldn’t blame you for shooting that little bugger. But I’m happy that you’re honoring your dad’s wishes..
Yup, as we get older I find we appreciate life more. No real need to kill just to get rid of pest, trap them and relocate them, If they keep coming back, they leave us no choice. I have relocated, cats. raccoons, possum and various other critters.
How have I missed this thread so far? This is one of the more interesting threads I've seen on here.
That is a pretty cool animal. I don't think I've ever heard of a kinkajou before.
Sorry about your dad! Holy smokes. The kinkajou is good looking, but he's got a dark side. I'm glad you guys are sending it to the zoo. He deserves to die after that attack, but you guys are taking the high road and I respect that.
Funny this one would be so unsocialized, most in captivity are quite used to human handling. Doesn't take most wild animals very long to revert to wild/natural behaviors though.

"Eco Adventures" (Brady Barr from National Geographic) rents a space in our building and houses quite a menagerie there. They cater to kids and specialize in showing them the natural side of things - important here so close to metropolis. I really enjoy the exotic animals and talking with Brady and his wife about wildlife. I get a first view of many specimens they bring in and have handled animals most have only ever seen through glass.

They have a young female kinkajou that has been the sweetest little thing. I've fooled with her off and on since she arrived a couple years ago and was small enough to cup in two hands. She loves bananas and eats from my hand. If I cuddle her against my chest, she goes right to sleep.