What kind of animal is this?

Start bringing him some food he’ll be your best buddy… unless he’s not and you might be missing a finger. Either way report back….
Yeah he’s too cool to kill. I’m getting soft too. I save mice from my cats sometimes because I feel bad for them.

But then I’ll go smoke a dozen coyotes to try and balance out my masculinity .

Weird how that works…. But it’s true!

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Everything is bigger in Texas right?


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From Wiki:

Because they are not tame, kinkajous do not make good pets, no matter how cute you might think they are! Kinkajous have a painful bite and can be destructive to a home in the middle of the night, when they are most active.

But they are legal to own in Texas!
obviously someones pet that they forgot on the roof of their car or back of their truck if you are remote and it fell off at some point. Perhaps take it to a place that takes in injured or lost baby wild animals/birds etc. unless you want to keep it as your own pet. Neat little animal though. I have lizards, tarantula's and snakes.
There is a lady on YouTube with a pair, hers are friendly, she gives the fruit, bananas and strawberries, and they love it when she gives the dum dum lollipops.

I probably call some kind of authority to take them to a rescue.
From Wiki:

Because they are not tame, kinkajous do not make good pets, no matter how cute you might think they are! Kinkajous have a painful bite and can be destructive to a home in the middle of the night, when they are most active.

But they are legal to own in Texas!

He will not see the inside of a house, that I can tell you!

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He likes mandarins. I didn’t have my phone but I handed him a few small wedges. (I had a leather glove on for safety lol)

I left him 2 mandarins and several cherry tomatoes. That’s all I could scrounge up.

My dad hasn’t been in his garage in about a week so we have no idea how long he’s been living in there. I’m only here prepping for the framers that will start framing the new house next week. (Dad lost his house in a fire last year and I’m GC’ing his new build). Dad will toss him some fruit as long as he stays but if he decides to leave then he will have to figure it out on his own.

My brother is the one that wants to keep it as a pet….. I don’t think that’s such a good idea.

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