What kind of ammo for moose?

Aug 22, 2023
I have a moose hunting trip to western Alberta planned this October. I will be using my 300 Win Mag. My question is what type of ammo should I use? I understand no matter what I use shot placement is vital.

I'm pretty dumb when it comes to ammo so please dumb it up for me...lol.

I've read not to use a polymer tip ammo. I've also read that polymer tip is fine as long as its bonded bullet.

Is a jacketed soft point good for moose hunting?

Some of the ammo is available locally....
~Federal Terminal Ascent 200 gr.
~ Federal Power Shok 180 gr.
~ Federal Fusion Bonded Soft Point 180 gr
~ Winchester Power Point 180 gr.
~ Winchester Expedition Accubond 180 gr.
~ Remington Core Lokt Tipped 180 gr.
~ Remington Core Lokt PSP 180 gr

Any other suggestions? Thanks!

Moose are not all that hard to kill if you put a bullet in the correct place. I have used both the 200 Federal T/A and the 180 Federal Trophy Bonded Tip successfully on Moose. A Nosler Accubond is never a bad choice also. I would lean toward a bonded bullet and let your rifle decide which one shoots the best.
Whatever your rifle shoots best. FWIW I used a 30-06 180gr Winchester silver tip as it shot best out of my rifle (and was cheap which was a bonus!!!) for my Yukon moose a couple of years ago. 85 yard shot.

Generally I lead to an accubond or partition
Nothing wrong with any of those. Alberta moose are small anyway. I put a 140g Swift A Frame from a 270 Win into the crease between the shoulder and neck on a 1/4 to bull in the Yukon and pulled it out of the opposite ham during the butchering. Anything that is not a target bullet and 180g plus will do you just fine in a 300 WM
After getting back from Africa, I am sold on Accubonds. To me they seem to be more accurate in my rifles than Partitions
I’m going in a couple of months, I use a 300wsm so basically same caliber as your 300mag - I’m planning to use a nosler accubond but I also just got a deal on some Norma Bondstrikes, from what im seeing I wouldn’t hesitate to bring those instead
Lots of moose killed with 220 core locks out of a 30-06. I think anything you mentioned will be fine
Minimum 150 gr, Nosler Partition, Barnes or Speer Mag tip or Grand Slam, something that will hold together, a Moose is a big dude and can be tough. Think about a larger(30 or 338) caliber. I smacked a big black bear in British Columbia thru both lungs with a 338 Nolser partition and he ran 200 yds, (away from me-Thank God) before he dropped.
Last ueqr I shot a Bighorn Sheep, a mule deer, and 2 whitetail doe with federal premium 200gr TA. Did the job for me
I really like the terminal ascent bullets.

That said literally any of those will work. Moose are not particularly tough and shots tend to be close. If you put the bullet where it needs to go they all work.