I've had a few, the one I somewhat regret was a 30 Nosler.
All by APR with TT's.
30 Nosler, Mk5, Def Tenacity, AG stock, 26 inch muller in a 10 twist with a Vias radial brake. Shot the 215 and 230s great.
Currently a 7 Saum, MK5 Def An-Ti, AG, SSR 4 port Ti brake 20 inch muller in an 8.5 twist running 180 hybrids. Going to start testing the 155 Hammers soon for a short to mid range home option.
Ordered a 338 RUM, Trigicon Tenmile, Def Classic, 26 inch 9 twist Bart, SSR 5 port Ti brake, Manners. Looking to run 250-300s; Berger, SMK and Super Bull Dozers.