What is your favorite hunting dog and why ?

I have a lab/german wire hair cross that will be 2 in June. I gotta say i love the breed. When she is out in the field she is a maniac and will go go go, but in the house she is calm and is plenty happy to lay around. My brother has a lab/GSP cross and she is the same way, albeit quite a bit larger than my dog. My Phin weighs in at around 55lbs, which i find to be a perfect size. She has a nose on her, thats for sure. She loves upland as well as waterfowl. Watching her retrieve a goose is quite a sight at her size! She also has a littel beard from the Wire Hair in her which i absolutely love.
I had an English Springer Spaniel that was a good dog but a pain in the arse to comb out after hunts. All that hair was a nightmare. Then had a chocolate lab. The lab was a better dog all the way around.
Always wanted a GSP. Maybe someday

Mannie 2.jpg

My 4 1/2 year old lab. She can do a little bit of it all. From hunting squirrels out of the boat, ducks, at home in the dove field, or laying out on the boat while I'm fishing. Absolutely the best companion and hunting partner I could ask for. She is way smarter than her trainer.
I love Black Labs also! I love that they can hunt like crazy but they still have an off switch. This girl is coming along just fine. Almost 2 years old now.

What a great thread!!

I have beagles for cottontail and snowshoe hare, but they are strictly hunting hounds.

I have had labs and think they are great, but I ended up with a Ladner Black Mouth Cur 7 years ago and will never go back to labs. He is the perfect companion/hunting dog for me. I work outside and he goes to work with me every day. when running the beagles he barks treed on porcupines and squirrels. when I am out on the horse....for up to 24 miles, he is right there by my side. He and I went through a messy divorce and he was always there by my side. Labs are awesome, but the BMC fits my lifestyle like I never thought a dog could. He's my best bud and I will probably cry like a baby the day he dies.

I think hunting dogs are all great but my favorite is seen in my avatar. A Large Munsterlander. As far as Im concerned they are the best of the "versatile" bird dogs plus they are great blood trackers, part of what they were bred for in Germany. This past mule deer season my son texted me he had a big mulie down about a mile from a road and would have to bone it out. I knew probably within a 1/4 mile where he was so my dog and I took off in their direction. She picked up a few drops of fresh blood and took me right to them. Great family dogs also. Not as friendly as a Lab as they are pretty much a 1 man/ 1 family type of dog. Another good thing is their breeding is controlled by a Munsterlander association no AKC ties and they only sell dogs to bonafide hunter families, this has kept their breeding away from the kind of idiots that have almost ruined the Golden Retriever for hunting.
I've never had an actual bird hunting dog before until we got Hazel. She is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever - weighs about 38 pounds full grown. Super smart, loving, and loves to hunt both waterfowl and upland birds.


Okay so she's part of the family, what do you expect!!
Love this treat!

I've had Labs my whole life but by far the best hunting dog I've ever had is a Lacy! Remmi can track anything, retrive like a dream, and still be a great family dog.