What is your biggest public land pet-peeve?

I’ll add:

Bluetooth speakers

Group rides and/or group runs. I’m not sure where the line is, but going out riding trials with a group of 9 on a Saturday morning is absurd.
Yes, Uncle Rico may stay. These turds will stay six months thill the f.s. or sheriffs kick em out, then they leave their trash and move 5 miles till they get hassled again. Rinse and repeat. And this is a small one, and no they’re not hunting or camping for the weekend. They’ll leave when it’s 110, or snowing( maybe), or when they get kicked out.98F0A7EB-DB86-4A44-B9D1-5D21A8011F2D.jpeg
While hiking up we discovered a turd with toilet paper on the side of the logging road. It was probably left behind by the same fat bastard on the motorcycle. Rarely is complete disregard of common decency isolated to one area.
Unfortunately I have seen this alot in the last couple of years, seems to be increasing...wtf.
TRASH. TRASH. TRASH. 2) When people alter the land making it obvious humans were there.
3) Horse shit all over the place. 4) Seeing other hunters in the field. BUT..they probably aren't happy to see me either. 5) Working my ass off to get in deep country only to see other hunters strolling in looking well rested with their horses, llamas, or goats. Well, I guess mad isn't the word, probably more jealous. :) 5) Driving home empty handed only see my fellow hunter at the local gas station, who probably couldn't walk more than 5 minutes on a treadmill, with a nice 6x6. Makes me think I'm working way too hard AND I really want to know what they know. :)
I have to say Trash is my #1 for sure. Nothing bothers me more than hiking in a beautiful area and having to stop and pick up other people's trash.

The worst is at our local lakes where you can literally see a circle where someone was sitting all day throwing trash around their chairs.

Two years ago a friend of mine followed a hunter up a mountain by following the beer cans, saw him drinking watching an area so he went back and "politely" left all his empty beer cans on his truck as a reminder to pick up his trash.
For me its the amount of trash i see. My friends and i do like brian barney, and pick it up cause we tell ourselves its good karma for the hunt lol.

Even worse is my local public land spots to shoot guns. I hauled out 2 contractor trash bags and didn't even make a dent last time. Needed a couple dump trucks unfortunately
Not having any public land. Imagine if there is no public land.
My pet peeve here in Australia is that we virtually have none. My home state of Queensland has zero public land hunting, yet we have millions of acres of National parks, state forests and other crown lands riddled with feral pests.

New South Wales has some state forests that are open to hunting on a booking system.

Victoria has the best public land hunting opportunities by far. Lots of public land for deer hunting.

It's little wonder I love NZ so much. If I knew 20 years ago what I know now I'd have moved there.
It’s so bad in some high use areas they want you to bury the turd but pack out the turd paper. 😩
Nope, it's so bad in some areas (Cirque of the Towers) that you have to pack out the turd and the paper. Wag bags. Which takes us back to one of the first points: too many damn people!
Biggest pet peeve are those who believe multiple-use means only their preferred use.

Any illegal use should be reported and offenders cited. But if it's legal, then live and let live. Never know when your favorite activity might be the one on the chopping block of increased restrictions. Common courtesy to other users is definitely lacking in many areas.

Fracturing of the outdoors community between backcountry hunters, "traditional hunters", hikers, OHV/ATV, horseman, campers, etc. decreases the voice of all of the users as each battle for their own preferred piece of the pie. Much easier to defeat a fractured army than a unified force.

That said - poop-flags and trash are probably my biggest pet peeve - it's not hard to take care of things properly and not detract from the beauty of where we seek it.
Nope, it's so bad in some areas (Cirque of the Towers) that you have to pack out the turd and the paper. Wag bags. Which takes us back to one of the first points: too many damn people!
Doesn’t surprise me in a concentrated area like that. When I backpacked the Grand Canyon years ago they asked you to pee in the river instead of on the ground. Too many people peeing in one concentrated spot must not be good for the ground 🤷‍♂️