What happened to KUIU sale?

When it comes to kuiu, you're better off just not wasting your time on this forum. But if you have a full first lite kit you might get your Gooch shaved by a groupie....

I would just email kuiu and ask.

When it comes to kuiu, you're better off just not wasting your time on this forum. But if you have a full first lite kit you might get your Gooch shaved by a groupie....

I would just email kuiu and ask.

But if you want to buy Kuiu used in the classifieds, this is the place to be.
If any haters want, I have a 15% off with free shipping code for kuiu, just pm me and I'll give it to u.

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I just want that $50 long sleeve camo shirt to be restocked in large. That's all. Lol. I'm not high maintenance, just want a Vias long sleeve T to match my pants......that's all.
When it comes to kuiu, you're better off just not wasting your time on this forum. But if you have a full first lite kit you might get your Gooch shaved by a groupie....

I would just email kuiu and ask.
Haha. I'm scared to google Gooch.