What does it take to kill a grizzly?

Obviously you my friend have the knowledge base problem.
The only way a lower 48 hunter can hunt a grizzly is either in Alaska or the Yukon and that would be with a guide!
When was your last self guided grizzly hunt in BC, LIL Rockslider?
The last one I killed was May 11, 2014…
I solo hunted grizzlies and Stone sheep in a backpack zone the fall of 2016 but didn’t find a boar that was what I was looking for. The BC gov’t closed the hunt in 2017 to residents, but you probably knew that with your expansive knowledge base of all things BC.

The last time I saw a grizzly in BC was yesterday, but I wouldn’t have thought twice about punching an 88 ELD m through him if the need had arisen.


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How do you know that?

Again, how do you know that?

How does it make you feel, spiritually?

If it isn’t an anomaly, then what was your actual rant and nonsense in this thread about? Just felt like trolling about me without ever reading or understanding anything?

I’m confused- bears are super duper terrifying and scary and therefore you need a magnum for them, (apparently pointed sticks work somehow); or 9’ foot bears are less dangerous than a float plane trip?
I am waiting for your sequel to your elk hunting drama adventure you posted over on the Campfire, I was
hopting your sequel drama would be about grizzly bears? Anxiously waiting

The more you comment the more your inexperience shows. Yes talk to anyone who flys into the bush of Alaska, Yukon , BC or the NWT in float planes, helicopters,fixed wing and super cubs and you may pick up some knowledge of the risks about flying into the bush. Really surprised you have not experienced a bush flights.

Have you now had a chance to read up about your comments to me that there are no rifle
bugle hunts in NA. I had to explain to you these rifle bugle hunts could be found in MT,UT,BC,
WY,NM and probably others.

We all would still like to see pics of your successful big game hunts, elk, mule deer, grizzly, caribou, moose, Mtn sheep, Mtn goats, etc,,

Let’s see pics of the 20 elk hunts you went on last year.

Thank you
I am waiting for your sequel to your elk hunting drama adventure you posted over on the Campfire, I was
hopting your sequel drama would be about grizzly bears? Anxiously waiting

The more you comment the more your inexperience shows. Yes talk to anyone who flys into the bush of Alaska, Yukon , BC or the NWT in float planes, helicopters,fixed wing and super cubs and you may pick up some knowledge of the risks about flying into the bush. Really surprised you have not experienced a bush flights.

Have you now had a chance to read up about your comments to me that there are no rifle
bugle hunts in NA. I had to explain to you these rifle bugle hunts could be found in MT,UT,BC,
WY,NM and probably others.

We all would still like to see pics of your successful big game hunts, elk, mule deer, grizzly, caribou, moose, Mtn sheep, Mtn goats, etc,,

Let’s see pics of the 20 elk hunts you went on last year.

Thank you
The BC gov’t closed the hunt in 2017 to residents, but you probably knew that with your expansive knowledge base of all things BC.

The last time I saw a grizzly in BC was yesterday, but I wouldn’t have thought twice about punching an 88 ELD m through him if the need had arisen.
Yes I was aware of that season closing, hopefully it will once again reopen. One of m favorite wildlife experiences is seeing grizzlies in the wild.

I love BC and it is one of my favorite areas in the world.
We were fortunate to make several hunts with the Collingwood Bros up in the SPATSIZI park/wilderness area by horseback. Lots of grizzlies in that area.

Also did hunts in northern BC Folding Mtn Outfitters. while there hunting Dale Drinkall was attacked by a sow grizzly with cubs while traveling into a hunting area.Longer story,
I am waiting for your sequel to your elk hunting drama adventure you posted over on the Campfire, I was
hopting your sequel drama would be about grizzly bears? Anxiously waiting

The more you comment the more your inexperience shows. Yes talk to anyone who flys into the bush of Alaska, Yukon , BC or the NWT in float planes, helicopters,fixed wing and super cubs and you may pick up some knowledge of the risks about flying into the bush. Really surprised you have not experienced a bush flights.

Have you now had a chance to read up about your comments to me that there are no rifle
bugle hunts in NA. I had to explain to you these rifle bugle hunts could be found in MT,UT,BC,
WY,NM and probably others.

We all would still like to see pics of your successful big game hunts, elk, mule deer, grizzly, caribou, moose, Mtn sheep, Mtn goats, etc,,

Let’s see pics of the 20 elk hunts you went on last year.

Thank you
Geez dude. Still going on this? It’s kinda painful. We get it, you’re the shit. Read some threads on here lots of guys successfully killing everything and I mean everything with .22 and 6mm’s lots of pictures too. If it’s not your cup of tea don’t do it problem solved.
Yes I was aware of that season closing, hopefully it will once again reopen. One of m favorite wildlife experiences is seeing grizzlies in the wild.

I love BC and it is one of my favorite areas in the world.
We were fortunate to make several hunts with the Collingwood Bros up in the SPATSIZI park/wilderness area by horseback. Lots of grizzlies in that area.

Also did hunts in northern BC Folding Mtn Outfitters. while there hunting Dale Drinkall was attacked by a sow grizzly with cubs while traveling into a hunting area.Longer story,
So lets see your pictures of what I can only assume is a mind blowing array of wildlife.

Unless of course you don’t have any pics?
Maybe you are just a trolling little bitch?
So lets see your pictures of what I can only assume is a mind blowing array of wildlife.

Unless of course you don’t have any pics?
Maybe you are just a trolling little bitch?
KH tr,
Let’s see , you are the first on this thread to go to using name calling and obscenity.
Really? Does that make you feel internet powerful?
Don’t really care how I look, or what anyone feels, thinks or how I don’t drink the Kool-Aid from Formidolosus . Very few who are commenting here have even had a grizzly tag in their pocket Let alone stare down a grizzly rather it be with a .223 REM or a 300 H&H INCLUDING FORMIDLOSUS.

Most commenting here have what Pollo calls “classroom course work “ provided by Formiidulosus.. ZERO actual field experience hunting grizzly .

Pretty satisfied, secure, happy , and extremely blessed to have lived the hunting career I have experienced. Those who have actually successfully hunted a grizzly with a .223 REM ,cool, it is not a anomaly, and they are not super heroes.As I stated earlier , when I was still killing bears I would have gladly hunted a grizzly with a .223 REM if someone PAID for my grizzly hunt!! However knowing what I do and my experiences hunting grizzly and being around them most of my life, I would just insist on someone backing me up with at least a .338 WIN.

AS I stated earlier one of the largest grizzlies ever killed is listed in the Boone and Crockett record books and was killed by a tiny indigenous woman with a 22 Rimfire at 10 feet protecting her sled dogs from the grizzlies attack.

Bears can be very easy to kill. they can also be f****** dangerous. It’s America boys , if it’s legal to hunt 9’ bears with a 223 REM and that’s what trips your trigger have at it!!!! Your float plane or super cub trip flying through the mountains in the weather is probably way more dangerous than your bear hunt will be.
Shoot whatever legal cartridge you want. Do your job right and the bear will die. If you get unlucky enough to get charged and all you have is a 223, 6cmn, 375 h and h, whatever you desire defend yourself the best you can. But a grown man should not need to shoot a bear with a 223 because of recoil. Quit making excuses and use what you want.
KH tr,
Let’s see , you are the first on this thread to go to using name calling and obscenity.
Really? Does that make you feel internet powerful?

You are pretty invested in your own name calling. Might not be using "bad words" but you have been calling people liars and fakes through out this whole thread because you view your experiences as greater than all others combined. Nothing anyone has done or can say will change your view point because you are being close mined and argumentative towards everyone. None of us are perfect and no one sees Form as an alter god but he does share useful information that allow some of us to open our minds and see things in new ways. You don't have to see anything he writes if you don't want to. Click on his profile and hit the ignore button. It is you that has that choice. Or you can remain an argumentative profile online that shares nothing positive with the group as a whole.

Yes talk to anyone who flys into the bush of Alaska, Yukon , BC or the NWT in float planes, helicopters,fixed wing and super cubs and you may pick up some knowledge of the risks about flying into the bush. Really surprised you have not experienced a bush flights.
You have a higher chance of crashing in the bush plane than being mauled by a brown bear. Your genuine lack of experience is glaring and your fascination with certain members here is embarrassing on your part.

I was just in Alaska for two weeks and guess who else was there, hint, not you, but the guy you are pathetically trying to call out that “never goes to Alaska or the bush”.
Hahahahahha, just following your lead from the 24hour thread you started to call out Form….
Pretty funny though, still waiting to see some of your pics.
It took me a minute (never been a member there...) but I found that thread. What a glorious thing it is. Sounds like MtnW/NWT is well hated throughout his travels and no one respects him or his name calling.

Reading comments on here, it seems a lot of folks are confusing what is adequate for hunting, where you pick your shot on a relaxed bear), versus a stoping rifle when things go sideways (usually from poor shot placement).

I have two friends who have taken grizzly/brow bear with 6.5’s. Both were taken without incident.
It took me a minute (never been a member there...) but I found that thread. What a glorious thing it is. Sounds like MtnW/NWT is well hated throughout his travels and no one respects him or his name calling.

I realized earlier today, that its probably that right there that gets under his skin the most - nobody respects him or his opinion. It drives him bonkers that some people listen to Form and adapt what he’s saying to their shooting. No different than it drives him nuts that people listen to Stick about his findings with stuff.

Nobody is listening to his opinions so he has to resort to slandering Form to try and discredit him. Either that, or he’s losing his mind slowly and we just get to watch him unravel over the internet.

Pretty sad when it comes right down to it either way. (Although that thread is funny as hell.)
I realized earlier today, that its probably that right there that gets under his skin the most - nobody respects him or his opinion. It drives him bonkers that some people listen to Form and adapt what he’s saying to their shooting. No different than it drives him nuts that people listen to Stick about his findings with stuff.

Nobody is listening to his opinions so he has to resort to slandering Form to try and discredit him. Either that, or he’s losing his mind slowly and we just get to watch him unravel over the internet.

Pretty sad when it comes right down to it either way. (Although that thread is funny as hell.)
He is far more aggressive over there and I'm not sure if that is just the way that forum is run or what. Thought at the start maybe it was drunk posting but now, it would have to be a heck of a bender he was on to take it this far and this long.
