What do you want from your woman?

Not sure your home situation - But man if I came home and all the yards were mowed/weeded/patio cleaned/trash picked up/garage organized/kids sports covered for the weekend and let me just go do something that would mean a lot
Anniversary. 27 years. I’m out of ideas. He has most every hunting and shooting item on the planet.
Short of hiring him a h@@ker to come to the house, what is left?
What do men want? Gift certificate? Ammo? Cake?
I didn't read all the replies and I'm sure there's a ton of good ones. Wife and I did 29 years this year, I wanted to stay home and do traditional anniversary stuff but she decided we'd go on one more deer hunt instead, I didn't argue. To more directly answer your question, my favorite anniversary my wife went and bought a high dollar cut of prime rib and threw it at me the day before. We made an amazing sit down dinner for our anniversary that I doubt could be topped by any restaurant. So the answer to your question is, Prime Rib. I want Prime Rib, big one.
Couples trip to Costa Rica. Atlantic coast anywhere south of Limon if you like the Carribean vibe. Pacific coast from Tamarindo south if you like the Latin American vibe. You can't go wrong with either and each is remarkably different. Lush jungles on the Atlantic and spectacular sunsets that stop everything on the Pacific.
Keep it simple, make him his favorite dinner (I like the suggestion above for a decadent chunk of beef) and follow that up with a menial pleasure appropriate to consenting adults.
I watched a Bill Burr comedy show the other day. He silenced a entire room full of men. It was almost a holy moment. All he said he wanted was a sandwich out of the blue. Walk in put down the sandwich, kiss on the cheek and just walk off quietly, taking the kids away for a day. The men went silent. Its just that simple.
Man, I love a good sandwich.
A set of high end rain gear from either kuiu, sitka, firstlite. Pants and jacket. That is something I would never buy myself but always wish I had. At that rate I am sure your husband would appreciate any products from them.

I am sure he would appreciate any kind of guided fishing trip in Alaska. I know I would. Or maybe a flight seeing tour in a area of alaska he has never been.
Anniversary. 27 years. I’m out of ideas. He has most every hunting and shooting item on the planet.
Short of hiring him a h@@ker to come to the house, what is left?
What do men want? Gift certificate? Ammo? Cake?
My wife and I have been married 24yrs and together quite a few years longer. She grew up a gypo logger’s daughter in NW MT, so to say she comes from humble beginnings and understands that you can’t pay the mortgage with love is an understatement.

Due to my profession, I have been away for at least half of our anniversaries and her birthdays. If I remember, I was gone for 8 out of the first 10. So with that, we greatly value our time together and experiences. No matter how large or small.

My suggestion is in line with several other comments… schedule something together, alone and without distractions. Something out of the ordinary could be cool, but something as simple as a lunch or dinner together at your favorite spot works as well.
For our 15th anniversary my wife wrote me a note with 15 reasons why she loves me. Some of them were dumb little things, some were more noteworthy. I'm sure she got me something to go along with the note, but the note is all I remember. It's the best gift she's ever given me. It came from the heart and meant a lot to me.

Like many others have stated, I'd prefer my wife not buy me hunting gear. She doesn't know what I want so it ends up being something I don't want or need. I'd rather it be something where I know she put thought into it and made me feel special.

Some time away with just the two of us and no distractions would be ideal for me. That said, every couple has a different relationship. While I think time together is a great gift, others might not. You know your husband best, so you'll likely have a better gauge of whether that is something he'd appreciate or not. Good luck, and congrats on 27 years!

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As others have said directly or indirectly, give him something he can’t buy and not because he can’t afford it but because it can only come from the person who knows him best. My wife has a knack for finding things that are extremely meaningful and memorable which doesn’t have to translate into expensive. One recent gift from her were broadheads engraved with “DREAM BIG I LOVE YOU”. She doesn’t hunt but went out of her way to put herself there with me when I am doing something she knows I love doing. Congrats on 27 years!