That’s the $64,000 question… what’s a chip shot mean?
This isn’t a condemnation, just a discussion that needs to be had a lot, which made less clear than it should be, by virtue of the internet.
80%, I’d say that’s pretty good when the second shot killed the deer. I have seen hunters throwing lead at closer ranges and miss at higher percentages.
It’s an interesting thing how the mind works. You have data points- you are 4/5 on animals past 400 yards, which is 80%, but you lr words are justifying it because others hunters throw lead at close range.
I haven’t stated whether I think that 80% is good or bad, so there is no justification required.
I figure, a chip shot is a golf and it’s not a “gimme” so I am going with high a confidence shot.
The definition that you listed below states it “denoting an attempted action has a low degree of difficulty”, that says “gimme” to me and most others in common use.
In field conditions I can make much higher than 80%. And, my one “failure” was at 575ish on a coues and I think it was my failure to manage recoil of my 7mm so I evaluated honestly and adjusted to a .25 cal.
Again, it doesn’t matter why you missed, the reality is that you are at 80%, it doesn’t matter why.
Statistically speaking, 4 out of 5 is not really valid to say I am 80%, sometimes crap happens, maybe it was the one that will fall outside of the bell curve.
No, statistically the data set is small, however being it is all you have to go on, it’s valid for your use and this discussion.
Maybe I shoot 5 more and then I am at 90%.
Maybe, and maybe you miss the best 3 in a row. It’s man believe- what you have is 80% so far. That’s the only evidence that can be used.
I would guess that the vast majority wouldn’t consider an 80% probability a-
Chip shot (idiom), a phrase denoting that an attempted action has a low degree of difficulty