What do you carry?

Right on. I carry mine in a vedder holster. I carried my lcp2 in the factory provided holster for 2 years before I replaced the holster….with another factory provided holster for $8. That pistol rode in my pocket from early 2018-this September. The max just gives those 4 extra rounds in the magazine. They must have had an over run of the stainless 75 year anniversary model because I picked mine up cheaper than I bought my lcp2 in ‘18. I’m over 300 rounds through it. Not a single hiccup but again, I’ve only had it since September. I trust my life to it and have no problem recommending one.
I think the max has better sights on it to i believe?
Over the last 20 years I’ve gone from a Glock 30sf to a S&W 340 PD to finally settling on P365 X-Macro Tacops with eps carry.
When I picked up a buddy's 365xl a couple years ago and shot around with it, I put full sized pistols away forever. Thing shoots like a large framed gun for me--love it
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G19. Big enough to fight with and anything smaller is a compromise in some way or another. Less capacity, less accuracy, etc.

I live and work near a major city where multiple thugs with rifles committing car jackings are not exactly rare, so that drives the choice a bit.
Smith 642, Sig P365 380, Smith Bodyguard 2 380, Sig P365 Macro and Springfield Hellcat. Been moving away from revolvers lately.
G43x w/ the "trooper" or "bold" irons.

I prefer to shoot my G45 or G19 but the thin gun feels better in my chest harness under a bino harness and in a OWB leather holster that holds it higher up than most holsters.

I print with the thicker pistols trying to conceal OWB.

I haven't tried the 15rd magazines yet.
G43 for me. It doesn’t do anything great but I can carry it easily and it’s reliable.

I used to carry a G19 everywhere but it’s hot as hell here 75% of the time and got tired of trying to conceal it. Still the most versatile pistol in my opinion.
Shield 9mm for a little over 2 years. Been eyeing the p365 and the hellcat. I need to put some rounds through both, but just handling them I like the feel and sights better of the hellcat.
Glock 43 for me. I got it before the other subcompacts like the P365 came out and can't justify upgrading just yet. If I was starting now I'd be looking at a P365 or Hellcat with a light & optic.

In the mountains when I dont have a rifle I carry a Glock 29 10mm. It's a good balance with the 10mm and size/weight.