What bow is everyone shooting?

Hoyt Carbon Spyder and Carbon Element 3G for backup

But my family shoots Matthew’s and when I upgrade I will buy a Matthew’s to join that gentleman’s club.
I'm new to bow hunting and bought myself a Mission MXR recently. Mission is a sub company of Matthews and their bows have a lot of the same tech. The plus side being that they are considerably cheaper. It's got a solid back wall, adjustable to 70lbs draw and is quite quiet.

I practice a few times a week and have gotten beautiful 2 inch groups at 50 yards (sometimes :) ). I have a few buddies tell me I got a lot of bow for the price. Take a look to see if you can try one out at a archery shop and see what you think.


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Still shooting a Prime Centroid, might look into buying a new 4 in the next year or two, pick one up from someone that likes to get a new bow every year or so.
Upgraded from a 2009 Bowtech Admiral (which I loved) last year. Went through the whole process and shot everything I could get my hands on at a couple of different local shops. It came down to a PSE Mach 1, an NTN and a Prime Black 5. The Evolve cams make for an incredibly smooth bow, but ultimately I just liked the feel of the Prime better and decked it out for the price of the Mach 1.