Jeezus, what a load of crap that website is.. Bunch of fear mongering propaganda....
Oh I defenitely think anything is possible, but my comment about that website still stands.. Spend a little time on there and you will see... This was towards the bottom of the page:
For SUBSCRIBERS who support this web site with $1 a week, billed Quarterly ($13), I will now provide the utterly TERRIFYING information from absolutely COVERT INTELLIGENCE regarding why I am raising the specter of a Biological Weapon.
This section of the article is only available for Subscribers who support this web site with $1 a week billed either Quarterly ($13) or monthly ($5).
This is necessary because this is a CLOUD-BASED web site. The way it works is
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Despite being politely asked for voluntary donations, few people ever bothered to donate. Then, despite being asked to click an ad within a story to generate ad revenue for this site, the majority of the general public couldn't be bothered with that, either. So there's no reason to give the general public free news anymore; they don't pull their own weight.
With tens-of-thousands of people reading stories here every day, the costs nearly drove the site out of business.
In order to be able to continue providing cutting-edge news, often hours or even DAYS before Drudge and most of the "mass-media" -- if they even cover it at all -- I need to be able to sustain this effort. To do that, I rely on folks like YOU contributing a pittance of about $1 a week; which is chump-change that you won't even miss! Yet that small amount makes all the difference in the world to the continued existence of this web site.
In the final analysis, knowledge is power. Getting information first, or info that other sources simply don't report, is usually well worth a few bucks in the long run.
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As of Saturday morning, January 25, no other media outlet in the world is showing you the images and videos you found here. It takes enormous resources and time to do this.
Today is Saturday, January 25 and that means I have six days to raise the $4200+ needed to fund this web site and radio show for the month of February.
The radio show has NO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS by design. Advertisers don't like controversy and when a show like mine airs blunt truth or politically-incorrect views, radical lefties start advertiser boycotts. If the show depends on that revenue, the advertisers get to have Editorial control. They are able to say "Shut up or shut down."
Here, we celebrate free speech, no matter who doesn't like it. In order to do that, there has to be a way to fund the endeavor which does NOT rely on ads. That's YOU!
It takes a LOT of money to run this cloud-based web site; I get charged "Bandwidth/Data Transfer" for each site visitor, for the transmission of content to them. This charge also applies to the Internet audio feeds during the live shows.
Put simply, YOU read or listen, I GET BILLED!
Moreover, there are other significant costs:
The radio stations (WBCQ, WRMI and KYAH), the listener call-in phone lines, Music licensing fees to use bumper music, Fiber optic lines to carry the show to the net and to the radio stations, studio costs, equipment maintenance and replacement and so on.
All totaled, it takes about $4200 a month to keep this endeavor alive.
For that, YOU get the latest breaking news that matters. You get free speech radio 5 nights a week, with solid information the mass-media simply doesn't cover, or fails to cover thoroughly.
I NEED YOUR HELP to keep this going for February.
Please click the yellow DONATE button below to make a contribution of $10, $20, $35, $50 or more. Every little bit helps.
Please don't think "someone else will do it" because they don't. YOU are the "someone else."
The clock is ticking and the calendar is set. I have until Feb 1. Please donate now!"