This is why much of my big game hunting is comprised of public land hunting or door knocking on private land.
Is there another option for hunting besides public and private land?
This is why much of my big game hunting is comprised of public land hunting or door knocking on private land.
Take 10 hunters, put them on 500-acres of land that they have never stepped foot on before and give them five days to hunt with all things being equal, the guy who comes out with the biggest/oldest/most-mature/top-scoring animal is the best hunter, in my opinion. Due to the degree of luck that comes into play during a hunt, this scenario should be repeated over the course of 10 years to gather enough data to determine who is the hunting champion.
This is what I truly believe hunting to be.
Give a guy a rope and he wants to be a cowboy...
Give a guy enough rope and he'll hang himself...
Not sure what to make of this thread. I will say that I don't agree with how it's portrayed in regard to this topic.
What I do...
Go hunt.
Enjoy the outdoors.
Spend time with family.
Bring home meat for the freezer.
Never worry about the other guy and what he does when he hunts.
Leave the competition out of it.
Be humble.
Respect others in the field and give them their space if they beat you to a spot.