What animals could you beat in a fight?


Dec 20, 2017
The Rock
True story: when I was in high school I was up one morning doing the chores. Watering the geese I was in just gym shorts, half asleep holding the hose filling their water trough and one of those SOBs came up behind me and bit me right in the ass cheek.

He got a good hold and would not give it up... so I reached back and grabbed that long neck and hammer threw his ass into the goat pen where he got chased around by one of the rams. I was bruised for a week.

Sure woke me up quick.
Dec 31, 2020
Anyone thinks they would even remotely have as chance against an apprehension dog are not familiar with them. Mist are medium sized. A malinois is no joke.

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98% of people would get their ass kicked by a 50# red healer. Myself included.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
How? You can’t catch those suckers.

I got video of me kicking one. I could have pounced on him.

For the sake of argument, I’ll concede going out into the wild and planning to catch an armadillo is a gamble. But, in a fight to the death, Dos Perros vs the Ozark acorn pig, you bet on Dos and double down when you can.
Apr 1, 2016
This is ranking high on the greatest threads ever. I’ve curb stomped a couple mice but my policy is that if an animal is brave or vicious enough to come at me I’m getting the heck away.

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Aug 20, 2021
Saw this study and thought it was funny/interesting. In one on one, unarmed, hand to hoof combat, what animals could you best?


I think the chimp might be an under rated opponent. The king cobra would likely be a draw, no survivors. The wolf is ranked too high and should have more parity with large dog.
The list isn't very accurate. Funny, but...
I don't think any of us are going to fair very well from an adult chimp, were as Australians are constantly having punch ups with Roos just for fun.
Lighten up, Francis.
Just joke's, Denver.


Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
I feel pretty confident against most insects....well unless they sting.....or bite.....or fly......or are very fast.
But Im sure I could kill a 400 pound lion. Well after he eats me he will have a bad case of indigestion at least. Maybe.
Jul 17, 2018
NW Arkansas
My run in with a measly 120# blacktail I thought was dead (only knocked out cold) taught me a lesson the hard way.

He came very alive when I grabbed his spindly -but sharp- fork horn rack....taught me these animals are far stronger than they look- grin.

Had a good friend of mine who’s Dad got killed a couple years ago after shooting a buck and thinking it was dead.


Jan 2, 2013
The geese comments crack me up. I can only picture my dad and I chasing them off our pond and yard and the confrontations that pursuit when I was a kid. I’ve been part of banding well over a thousand during the molting season, so we had the upper hand. You never get bit while handling them but if you weren’t mindful where it’s head was your buddy was sure to end up with quite the bit. Powerful bills they have. I’d never send an inexperienced bird dog after a crippled one


Sep 24, 2020
Several years ago while hunting, I had dumped two very large Canada geese. Unfortunately it was a long shot and I winged both of them. They landed out in the middle of a huge cut bean field. There I am with no dog, and I had just shot my last two shells. I set my gun down and started towards the geese, they obviously started going away from me. After a short walk I figured I would charge them. Holy crap! They can run just slightly slower than me! I finally caught up to the first one and dispatched him, after a very short break, I went after the second one with a sprint. This one decided to stop running away and turned around to face me. I tackled him head on, fortunately I lived to tell the tale.... I finally got my two geese back to the truck, and my dad was there laughing at me asking why I didn’t shoot them, being fully out of breath, all I could do was point at the box of shells in the truck:)


Jun 20, 2019
Geese aren't so bad- if you can avoid getting hit by the wings. I Had a run in with one when I was a kid. It came after me and grabbed me, hurt a lot, but when you grab them by the neck (just behind the head) and swing them into something solid (like a tree or the ground) even an 8 year old kid can knock most of the fight out of a goose.
Recently (last winter) I had a tussle with a range cow who had just given birth. She wasn't big, maybe between 500 and 600 lbs and it was her first calf. She just walked away and left it. I got between her and the herd and tried to push her back toward her calf. It worked for a hundred yards or so, and then she turned around and came after me. I had to sidestep fast and shove her head to the opposite side to avoid being run over. Repeatedly, for about 20 minutes before she gave up and went back to the herd. I was out of breath and tired by the end. Glad she quit. I may not have won, but at least I didn't lose. She never did go back to her calf. Ended up giving him away as a bottle baby.
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May 26, 2018
I had an opossum come out of lawn mower bag one time and I handled him without a scratch. Amy larger marsupial comes out of my trimmings bag and I'd run

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