Western Hunt Expo Nepotism (ugh I mean random) draw results up

I put in, if only because you didn’t have to confirm in person this year. But definitely didn’t draw anything myself. Same thing as Chad Mendes drawing the sheep tag a couple years ago.
This year I could see there being a lower percent of celebrities drawing since you could apply online. I figured the normal hunters would flood the raffle this year.

Previous years since you had to validate in person, and most celebrities have to show there faces at shows I’m not surprised when they draw.
Happens every year. I hate supporting the Expo but it’s about my only shot at a sheep tag so I put in for those and those only.
Dang, it's like these people's livings depends on hunting and they put in for every opportunity possible. I mean, what are the chances that of hundreds of "influencers" who are probably putting in for nearly every one of the expo tags, two of them actually draw a tag . . . pretty shady . . .
Dang, it's like these people's livings depends on hunting and they put in for every opportunity possible. I mean, what are the chances that of hundreds of "influencers" who are probably putting in for nearly every one of the expo tags, two of them actually draw a tag . . . pretty shady . . .
Based off of last years numbers there were a total of 292785 applicants for 200 tags. That leaves an overall odd of drawing a tag at .06% and for the tag that is being asked about here, based on last years numbers, about .002%.
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Let's not mention all the SFW guys and their relatives that have pulled tags over the years. Not to mention the Farrars defying powerball odds and pulling tags almost yearly.
Happens every year. I hate supporting the Expo but it’s about my only shot at a sheep tag so I put in for those and those only.
You need to go to Sheep Show in Reno. More sheep tags, no SFW BS

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Based off of last years numbers there were a total of 292785 applicants for 200 tags. That leaves an overall odd of drawing a tag at .06% and for the tag that is being asked about here, based on last years numbers, about .002%.
Don't bring facts into this.

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Based off of last years numbers there were a total of 292785 applicants for 200 tags. That leaves an overall odd of drawing a tag at .06% and for the tag that is being asked about here, based on last years numbers, about .002%.

292785 total applications, not applicants. You are counting individuals up to 200 times with that number. My point is that influencers are likely to put up hundreds of dollars at a shot at drawing anything. Most people spend $50 and apply for the Henry's and Paunsaugunt and a few others. Which is why the Henry's and Pauns have 10k applicants and there isn't much that is even close. I would say it is safe to assume that there are maybe 20k applicants between all the tags.

Do you put in for the tag in question? I didn't. In 2020 only 4610 people did. I would bet most "influencers" did because if they draw it is more content they can put out on a great unit.

People can spend time being angry that they didn't draw but if you think about it, why would SFW want to give out a tag to Kristy Titus or John Stallone. This is the first time I have even heard of John Stallone. I may not know of everyone in the hunting industry but I don't exactly have my head in the sand.

Big sponsors, maybe there is some shady stuff there. Who knows. But being mad because you recognize a name is just silly and a waste of time. (I am not saying Corbland is angry, but the OP clearly is a little annoyed that he recognized a name on that list that isn't his)