Well, I'm not talking shit about bowtech ever again

It's not just Bowtech, here's my PSE from 2018. Let loose about an inch from full 33" draw. Part of a limb shot down across the outside of my arm, and then the string I guess caught the inside of my arm. I rebuilt this bow with new cams, strings, limbs, and hardware, and the next year it blew up again when a d-loop broke on my draw board. That time with newer strings that held, it only needed a new bottom cam.....and I replaced the strings again. Still using this bow, even with a splintered bottom left limb. I turned the bow down to about 70lbs after it splintered right before the season this year. Seems to be holding. Oh ya, on the last blow up it also stripped out the riser with the top limb bolt. So put a helicoil in it and it's holding as well. It's become a true Frankenbow, but it killed a moose and a sheep this year.
Confused by title and some commentary. As I have a bowtech, interest was sparked.

you saying you won’t dis bowtech cause that was a Hoyt that broke?

how many years you been shooting that thing? Curious how long a ‘safe’ operation is for a compound bow’s limbs
Confused by title and some commentary. As I have a bowtech, interest was sparked.

you saying you won’t dis bowtech cause that was a Hoyt that broke?

how many years you been shooting that thing? Curious how long a ‘safe’ operation is for a compound bow’s limbs
Bowtechs have a reputation for blowing up... nickname is blowtech. Hoyts have a reputation for being very durable... hence the title.

As far as limb life it's a good question. I've had the bow since 2016 and I shoot year round. The limbs were starting to show some splintering on the outside edges this summer but my bowshop told me it was nothing to worry about... just put some superglue on it to stop it from spreading. The place it actually failed wasn't anywhere near that so I don't think it was related but maybe I should have taken it more seriously?

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I'm fine, although my hat got blown back about ten feet. I was halfway through my draw when the chaos occurred.

Looks like one of the limbs split. String and cables are fine, cams look fine as well. It's a 2016 Defiant Turbo. I think I'm going to use this as an excuse to get a less aggressive, more forgiving bow.

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Not to make light of your situation but one sock on is killing me.

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I am glad you weren’t injured. I got some stitches in my hand and a good case of target panic from a Golden Eagle bow blowing up mid-draw in the 80s.
Happened to me a couple years ago with a Carbon Defiant Turbo. Pretty sure I have a thread here - "Always have a backup bow...."

Hoyt fixed up very thing, I still had to buy another bow because of how close to the season.
Glad you are alright!! I've had part of two archery equipment failures. One was a catastrophic release failure at the peak which ended with me punching myself in the face and sailing an arrow into the woods behind my house.

The other, as you said, was a Bowtech... Destroyer 350 that self-destroyed, not a fun experience!!!
Follow up: Hoyt is repairing my bow under warranty. New limbs and other bits will be here in about 7 days!

I think I'm still going to buy a new bow. I've killed a bunch of stuff with this bow but I'm just kind of over shooting a turbo at this point and want something that is more forgiving. I might be putting this bow up for sale in the classifieds if anyone is interested...should be basically good as new when it's all done.

Good timing with all the new bows being released this week! I've got a local dealer that does Hoyt and Matthews, and another that does Bowtech and PSE.
Do you have a backup?

I'd let it be a lesson, for sure move on if you want to, however a bow in waiting is better than one in the bushes... Something like that.
It's a good point. I do have a backup, but it's a diamond infinite edge...my first bow. I've killed a pile of deer with it so I know it works but...well, you know. I might hold onto the turbo...we'll see!
Have either of those bows blown up on you (just throwing string off) with out breaking limbs before they exploded?