I went to the eastern sierras this weekend to do some scouting and see if the sheds were dropping yet. Unfortunately all bucks still had their headgear. I was in a fairly remote area, especially for this time of year. I left my truck at the end of a dirt forest road and hiked up the mountain about a mile or mile and a half or so and tracked some deer before spooking them. I decided to do some glassing so I went up to a ridge line that overlooked a semi-trail up from where I left my truck. After looking back down the mountain, I saw a black object moving up the mountain so I put my binos on it. It was a guy, wearing a full length black cloak like the grim reaper. He was carrying a plastic shopping bag in one hand and dragging what looked like a wheeled suitcase. At this point, I was questioning if I was hallucinating, but I kept watching him and he stopped a couple times to do some weird prayer-like motions into the air and try to look ahead on the trail (maybe for me bc he would have seen my truck?). He was far enough off I knew he wouldn't have seen me yet on the ridge line. My weirdo / this doesn't seem right alarm is going off on full alert. This was a decent ways up the mountain and he was dressed as the grim reaper with a suitcase. Dragging a suitcase through the rocks and dirt wouldn't have been very easy, especially with the vertical climb. Could he be harmless? Sure, but this sure didn't see right. I immediately made sure I had one in the chamber of my sidearm, and slipped into a drainage adjacent to the plateau area he was hiking up to try and slip by him. I made it by him without him noticing and down to my truck. My truck had handprints on the dirt like he had been trying to look in it. He had two old, beaten up child strollers in the back of his old truck tied down. I got the heck out of there and went 10 miles away to a different area. That was one of the weirder scenes for me in the mountains in a while.